This player has been previously reported but was not banned. If you have new evidence to submit against this player, please open a ticket on our Discord server.

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  • AIMspaZ
    Member since 7 years ago


  • MXT
    Member since 7 years ago

    We are currently not banning for BF3 violations, account flagged for the future in case we implement bf3 bans aswell.

  • Angry_Cuban13
    Retired Staff
    Member since 7 years ago

  • Scavenger
    Member since 7 years ago

    Case being discussed internally. 

  • Hieb
    Member since 7 years ago

    I would like to add to the conversation that the two battlereports provided were simply me being curious as to how this person achieved something that would break the game in its entirety; I simply couldn't believe that this individual equipped Battlepickups in his spawning loadout which had unlimited ammo. Also, how was it possible that FairFight, or whatever automated system is in place, didn't detect that something was severely off with this account?

    The ultimate reasoning behind me picking up the kit was, that I didn't think much of it. I was curious, I wanted to see it, I couldn't believe it. This isn't something you run across often. Further, this website and its services, I believe, weren't even established at the time; even less so was the rule which banned you for picking it up.

    Your intent to make BF4 a better experience for legitimate players is appreciated, and very noteworthy even as a selling point for this game today. That's my opinion. I have used your services before to create tournaments which were cheater-free and used your plugin to host my 2v2 servers. I do believe that I belong to the category of legitimate players, and I know that you do too.

    Please make this a precedent setting case, a sign that these cheaters cannot do with us whatever they want. As you all know, I was targeted, and there was a chain of events which set this off. Do not let it be their achievement, I ask you. Fortunately my GGC ban has been revoked, and I have not yet assessed the extent and damage of my EB ban, should there actually be one in place.

    Over the years, I have done my best to be an anticheat personality and competitive character on a fair basis through and through. I never used macros, I never used SweetFX as I considered and still consider it cheating. To deal me this ban would be heartbreaking to say the least.

    The infringement of your, in my opinion, at core values understandable and morally acceptable, ruling which states that merely picking up the kit gets you banned, occured before that rule was even set. I ask you to look beyond me holding R out of curiosity and getting 10 kills with it to test it, and to see the bigger picture. Without question, I will never do anything like this again, rest assured. I have seen what there is to see, and I have dealt with the backlash from you guys now.

    The most ironic part of this is that I even verbally scolded and also reported the cheater that commited this, and I like to think that it is part of the reason for which he is banned now. Consider the amount of players that had to "suffer" as a result of me "abusing his kit". 4? 5? I don't know the exact number, but the server was dead empty.

    I am personally convinced that equipping something out of pure curiosity is not at the same level of injecting a code into a software to willfully destroy other people's experiences, and should not be treated that way. 

    My fate lies in your hands, and I ask you to reconsider your stance on the subject.

    With kind and faithful regards

    Hieb / HiebDE

  • info1
    Member since 5 years ago

    about 95% of cheaters are also in their golden age so this means bf4db shall unban them all ? Heib accepting that he use to do cheating in bf3 when he was 13 so what was the einstien formula ? Onece a cheater = Always a ____________ . I left the dash for you scavenger to fill it in.


  • Hieb
    Member since 7 years ago

    Yeah, I admit to it. This was also "discovered" by people here about 1 year ago. But BF4DB doesn't ban on grounds of bf3 violations. Do you think that otherwise, I would have included it in my letter?

  • Hieb
    Member since 7 years ago

    I forgot to mention that I personally believe that this incidence helped evolve and build my character and in some way shaped the person you people see in front of you today. Today, I embody the sentiment of discouraging cheating. It starts with macros, SweetFX, modifying game data. It ends in dark places.

    As for my own history, I was young, I was dumb, I didn't know what I'd once become in the franchise. I was with a friend and we tried that shit on a laptop I had brought to his house. Some other online friend gave it to me, I still remember it very vividly. It's these things which stick with you. I hope you never sink far enough to try it. You need a very low self-esteem, and you need to be shit at the game. Back in that day, I ticked those boxes, and, "info1", as your account has been created 1 hour ago and I'm sure you are a cheater yourself who is trying to drag a legit player down, I'm sure you tick those boxes too.

    It's never too late to come back and play cleanly, but don't expect to be welcomed with open arms. I had to deserve every bit of respect and friendship I enjoy today. Only by refining your personality you can achieve to be a meber of a community. You still got a way to go, and to all my haters (mostly cheaters) who might read this in hopes of getting me banned, this is directed at you. It's never too late. It's never at a point where it doesn't matter anymore. Of that, I am convinced.

    I am by no means saying I am infallable and that I have the cleanest personality of the bunch, but I TRY. I try to be fair, nice, respectful to people whose character I haven't observed yet, and to people who (as deemed so by me) are deserving of (my) respect. Call me old-fashioned, but this is just how it works in my world.

    I try to make this community a better place. I like to think I have redeemed myself. I will let other people be the judge.

    Kind Regards. 


  • Sovereign_Skies
    Member since 7 years ago


    This player has been cleared by BF4DB

    Reason: Clean Stats

    This thread is now closed

    HiebDE Battlelog Ban Policy