• AngryRussianBear
    Member since June 26, 2017

    Is it average damage of all shots fired by player from specific gun? or something else?
    And how high it should be above average players damage to be marked red?

    I found this player today https://bf4db.com/player/1885640983
    His MG4 damage is 38.48 and it's 135.59% above players average.
    Maximum MG4 damage is 24.5 http://symthic.com/bf4-weapon-info?w=MG4
    It means he has minimum 57% headshot\shot ratio!
    But it's impossible to shooting from <10m range always. especialy on open maps like he play alot.
    And if we will take average distance as 50m then his headshot\shot ration will be 95%!

    If damage stats means average damage then this player uses aimbot which always shot in head expecting when enemy on low hp

    Also players with very high(50%+ above avg) damage meet very often lately.
    Looks like this aimbot becomes more popular and headshot\shot ratio will be important like headshot\kill ratio

  • AngryRussianBear
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Damage is calculated on a hit to kill ratio

    so 5 hits / 1 kill = 20% since 24.5 damage per shot on a 100 health server requires 5 bullets

    Since the damage is only based on the hit to kill ratio it is affected by hardcore which requires less shots to kill. 

    On a hardcore server (60 health) at 24.5 damage you require 3 bullets which in a percent format is 33.33 repeating or 33.34 for ease. Add in headshots, kills on damaged targets and that value will increase.

    This is especially apparent on hardcore players that use a bolt action since it results in lethal per shot damage (near 100%) and a significantly lower HS rate since they don't need a HS to kill in one hit.

  • AngryRussianBear
    Member since October 30, 2017


    This thread might be useful to you. 

  • AngryRussianBear
    Member since June 26, 2017

    It's sad to hear that cheaters can free play at normal servers with damage like hardcore =(

    But it's looks like something wrong with damage cheater detection
    This guy have 350-390% increased damage and marked yellow not red
    It's hacker which banned before and probable account for testing cheat which now used by other players with more light settings
    And he not banned and has 0% cheat rating

  • AngryRussianBear
    Member since May 08, 2017

    He is on gametime anyway, so we can not (effectively) ban him. But idk why his damage is yellow. Maybe because of the magic bullet or something.

  • AngryRussianBear
    Member since May 05, 2017


    It's sad to hear that cheaters can free play at normal servers with damage like hardcore =(

    But it's looks like something wrong with damage cheater detection
    This guy have 350-390% increased damage and marked yellow not red
    It's hacker which banned before and probable account for testing cheat which now used by other players with more light settings
    And he not banned and has 0% cheat rating

    I didn't make it so I'm not sure why it's displayed as yellow and not as red. The only reasonable explanation I can think of is his low kill count. He has been banned and he would've been autobanned pretty soon anyway.

    As Scavenger mentioned, we are doing our best at fighting against gametime hackers however they can create new accounts within minutes and start hacking all over again on a new account. They can only join official servers though which brings me to a point that I recommend everyone to do.

    Play on ranked servers and if you own servers, set them to ranked aswell. Why? Because on official servers you will face hackers all the time and not even the server owner can do anything about it.