Is it average damage of all shots fired by player from specific gun? or something else?
And how high it should be above average players damage to be marked red?
I found this player today
His MG4 damage is 38.48 and it's 135.59% above players average.
Maximum MG4 damage is 24.5
It means he has minimum 57% headshot\shot ratio!
But it's impossible to shooting from <10m range always. especialy on open maps like he play alot.
And if we will take average distance as 50m then his headshot\shot ration will be 95%!
If damage stats means average damage then this player uses aimbot which always shot in head expecting when enemy on low hp
Also players with very high(50%+ above avg) damage meet very often lately.
Looks like this aimbot becomes more popular and headshot\shot ratio will be important like headshot\kill ratio