I see no evidence to corroborate your story
Appeal Denied
You know most people who cheat and try to get out of it usually try and argue that the evidence is insufficient, or they deflect and claim other players do what they do. Whatever they try, only a few have been dumb enough to actually appeal a ban and supply literal video proof of cheating in said appeal.
I'd like to welcome you to that fairly exclusive club. I hope for the safety of literally any living entity that whatever it is you do, or choose to do in life, has no requirement for critical thinking.
Appeal Denied
Translation (Thanks Frank) :
Você conhece a maioria das pessoas que trapaceiam e tentam se safar, geralmente tentam argumentar que as evidências são insuficientes ou se desviam e afirmam que outros jogadores fazem o que eles querem. O que quer que tentem, apenas alguns foram burros o suficiente para apelar o banimento e fornecer uma prova literal de cheat em vídeo no referido apelo.
Eu gostaria de dar as boas-vindas a esse clube bastante exclusivo. Espero pela segurança de literalmente qualquer entidade viva que, seja o que for que você faça, ou escolha fazer na vida, não exija pensamento crítico.
Apelo negado
Its not just words. The ammo counter value jumping back up is something that happens when you have modified the fire rate of guns with external tools."
If you guarantee yourself that much with just words, why don't you look for something illegal on my computer? I'm inviting you to do this! Reporting is easy!"LOOK at your ammo counter RETARD
theres no rawr on golmud. Cheats have to be used to get one there
The evidence for a ban must come from a source outside of the game or a recording of cheat use in a game. We cannot issue bans based on perception in a live game. Data must be retrievable by other mods/admins/players outside of live gameplay."Go play against players before you set them clean
You already got your answer
PunkBuster Server: VIOLATION (AIMBOT) #51174: 24ju54 (slot #9) Violation (AIMBOT) #51174 [a470d6a3dfadf417dd4f9ed34cfa1d41
I don't see any evidence of cheat use in the players game history so this is likely a false punkbuster ban and we do not accept punkbuster violations as primary evidence for a ban
Its pretty clear there is spread/recoil reduction cheat use in these reports, among others.
Tell Bartis he's coding trash cheats
Appeal Denied
We are aware that there are cheaters who have targeted other player by making them spot perpetually. This has been around for quite a while and we have seen it happen to streamers before. But I’ll bet you knew that already