He's marked clean. He is not. Everybody wave buh-bye to his 140 rank.
He's marked clean. He is not. Everybody wave buh-bye to his 140 rank.
This guy doesn't even play anymore, but I was watching a video and noticed him in it doing rage-cheater things and thought "wonder if he's banned". Well, worse than "not banned", he's listed as "clean"! GAK! Can't have that. I'm find with not listed at all, but somehow that "clean" tag is irksome. :)
So here's the video I was watching. I found the FACE3002 section pretty entertaining.
i reported MacKOG along with the exact Punkbuster ban message he got on my server, and initially he showed up on PBBans list of globally banned players. "Like one refresh of the pbbans page later, and the ban seems removed"? I seriously doubt it. He hasn't played one game since that event. I don't think Evenbalance just suddenly removed him from the DB after 2 months (though it's not impossible).
Remember, Global GUID bans don't show up in any normal Punkbuster mirror. PBBans notices when the player tries to play because PB puts out a message (like the one I provided). I don't know that PBBans are removing old entries from their DB, but just because he's not in PBBans DB doesn't mean he is not banned. Far as I know the only way to be sure is to contact Evenbalance.
The only reason this even matters is because of the IP-linked replacement he's now playing with, which doesn't (yet) have any bans.
Anybody have Evenbalance contacts? Or even contacts to ask 'em why he was there and now isn't? I gave the guy two months without reporting this far and wide to let him appeal out of respect for his years of play. But his two months is up. (Which might also be why the PBBans entry disappeared--if they only keep it for two months it would have just expired.)
Y'all are arguing with and taunting an 11 year old. At best. That, or a developmentally challenged adult.
This is child abuse.
Matching BR:
By all means, if Evenbalance (the people who bring us Punkbuster) has falsely banned you, please do sue 'em out of existence. These days we all live in fear of the false Punkbuster ban. But so far, seems everybody who gets falsely banned finds it easier to just spend $5 and buy another copy of the game than to hire a fleet of lawyers and spend gazillions of dollars/pounds/euros/etc and many years on the fight over principles. You can be the standard bearer!
But as GoodFood points out, you've found the wrong people to rant at. We're on your side on this one. You need to be ranting at and (Better hurry while UK is still part of the EU--imagine how unpleasantly complex this is all going to be after Boris is done making a right jolly mess out of things.)
Try EA's support. That's really your only hope. They have the ability to completely reset your character to 0, but I've heard they sometimes refuse. I've never heard of them manually going into the data and changing things like rank--I'd guess the support center cannot do that. So it's likely you'll have a choice of leave it like it is, or reset everything to 0.
From and we read:
"The AMR-2 is a weapon featured in Battlefield 4 as a Battle Pickup. It deals enough damage to inflict an instant kill at any range, but lacks the semi-automatic firing mode and higher capacity of the M82A3."
"In the multiplayer portion of Battlefield 4, the M82A3 is a Battle Pickup. The weapon is very effective in multiple situations like counter sniping and shooting multiple targets where precision is not key (thanks to the M82A3 one hit kill regardless of where it hits) making it an extremely deadly weapon in the right hands."
100% damage is not ban worthy for any weapon that I can think of if there are only 2 kills with it. The kills per hit figure is just a statistical thing. You can give a teeny little tap to someone at 1% health and kill them. If that's the only time you've ever damaged anyone with that weapon, congrats, your wimpy weapon stat will show 100% kills per hit. So just ignore weapon stats until the player has accumulated a reasonable amount of usage. And ignore it for the .50cal pickup rifles.
Sadly, the best source of actual real data on this stuff was and they shutdown though some of the original data is still available--Check there to see if it has what you seek ( ). That had lovely, lovely data, including graphs like Doge shows above for every weapon showing damage up close vs damage at range, weapon accuracy plots with every combination of attachments... just perfect. But what DICE gives us on Battlelog... yeah, ignore it. is what uses. It's not in a form intended for human consumption, but almost all the weapons are there. There's probably a better source of such data "out there".
bf4cr showing 88% HSKR with M1014:
And the BR:
You are limited to 200 reports per screen, but you can just smash the SUBMIT button on the bottom right of each screen and get more history. Fortunately, all these stat pad reports seem to be from shortly after EA"s battlereport deletion date.
A single mildly out-of-kilter KPH is not going to be convincing evidece (unless maybe the guy got 100 kills during the game). But there are lots of things that make KPH a very, very fuzzy sort of figure.
-- Health setting on the server. If it's HC, health is 60%, so a KPH of 40% just means it's doing 40% damage out of 60%, or 24%.
-- Headshots. Weapon classes have different scaling for HS's. 1.0 to 2.2. BF4CR takes that into account, but only gets per-weapon stats from DICE for the single weapon with the most kills. Which leads us to...
-- Use of other weapons during the game. If someone has 60 kills in game and a high KPH,, but 30 of the kills were with assault rifles and 25 were with sniper bolt rifles and 5 were with high damage pistols, the KPH is going to seem impossibly high for an AR. DICE doesn't put enough stats into the battlereports to figure out exactly what else went on in game. You can sometimes use award ribbons to sort things out a little and put a cap on how many kills could have been done with a sniper rifle, say, or see ribbons for AR's and PDW's and LMG's and none for any thing else, and then the KPH stat starts to mean more.
-- Statistics. Scav pointed that out. If you are playing with a friend and he's always in the lead so you are the second on into a room and around corners, you may always be batting cleanup. If your friend puts half the damage into each victim and you just finish him off, that KPH will be double. I know of no way to correct for this, so you just have to ignore stats on weapons and games with few kills. BF4DB doesn't even display weapon stats until the weapon hits 100 kills, so imagine how unreliable the stats are in a game where the player got 12 kills. Now, if the one game shows the guy getting 80 kills all with one weapon with 90% KPH, you may have something. But again, badly broken battlereports are known to have happened (like sometimes it will combine the stats from two games together and report it all as just one game).
If it helps anyone, I just spent 5 minutes coercing BF4CR into loading his complete play history.
20190105_events.log:Playerlist 01/05/2019 03:19:27 PlayerDisconnected JustSomeRox disconnected from the server (reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'JustSomeRox' (for 2 minutes) ... Violation (GAMEHACK) #86001)
Evenbalance thinks they caught you. They issued a ban and now GGC and PBBans are both keeping you out. PBBans mirrored the Punkbuster ban on Dec 13, and GGC caught it on Jan 5, so whatever you've got on your system that's triggering it, it's still doing it.
At this point, all you can do is plead your case to Evenbalance. Only if EB decides they made an error will PBBans and GGC remove theirs.