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  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since August 18, 2018

    Playing this game is 3 years with AEK, full locker, you show me reports with half of my kills with headshot and this is proof that I use aimbot? and this is how I am banned by aimbot? for having half the kills in a headshot game? Really? 87 kills 48 headshot is to be aimbot? I do not have suspicious status and yet I am banned? To be proof that I use aimbot it takes more than that, you must have recorded me in the spectator to "prove" that I use aimbot.

    I'm still waiting for a video where my aim instantly pulls.

    reports that I "try to aimbot"

  • this is my last goodbye
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Claim your soldier before we process your appeal

  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since August 18, 2018 Here is a video where I had a conversation with one of the staff, he clearly says that I will not be able to recover my account. Enjoy and see my channel too, if there is any aimbot

  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Again, claim your account and take the chance to prove the guy wrong.

    Blue button which says claim.

  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since August 18, 2018

    Give me examples of how I can do this
  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since August 18, 2018

    Being part of what? be clearer
  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Hi red, please refrain from posting in appeals unless there is something important to add. We want to keep the thread a bit structured. Thanks for your understanding.

    For OP, if you haven't claimed your battlelog within 24h, your appeal will be denied. As said, you can claim your profile with the blue button on your BF4DB stats page.

  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since August 18, 2018

    Contribute? Do you want me to pay to have my account?

  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Derail the thread one more time and your ban will stay permanently without any possibility to appeal again. Take the chance to cooperate.


    On this page:

  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since August 18, 2018

    It looks like I'll have to post another video on my channel
    But then, if I were to pay for something, it would be for someone to knock down this plugin that besides being a stalker, is done by a bunch of children / teenagers
    So that means if I really were a hacker, I'd just pay you mercenaries and then everything would be okay? Could I hack the servers in peace? do not make me laugh more than that
  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Good. You won't cooperate so you can deal with the consequences and the ban will stay based on the reports in the banreason. 

    If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

    Your 10 second clips on your YT won't change much on your ban either. The fact you feel the need to share a Twitter DM publicly isn't making you any more credible either.

    Before you remove it for some reason (probably because you only show half the conversation or maybe notice that the video isn't making you look any better..), I've gone ahead and copied it.


  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Unfortunate I had to force you to claim the account by denying the appeal first. Shouldn't have been too difficult to read isn't it?

    You may recreate this battlereport:

    Same weapon, same stats, same map. Record in min resolution of 720p 60fps. Upload the FULL game to Youtube. You have 48h.

    In these 48h your ban is removed so you can record. Let me be very clear, your behaviour isn't helping you for one bit. You are lucky that I even give you another chance.

  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since August 18, 2018

    I already thought of doing the same things, but always when entering some server, it appeared a message that I am aimbot and soon after I am banished

  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since August 18, 2018

    And also to have the same status as this report, also depends on the players I play against, from the moment of my "flow". But to recreate the LAME with this, it is not difficult.
  • this is my last goodbye
    Member since May 05, 2017

    As mentioned above, you have 48 hours to comply with the instructions above. Your account has been set to “investigating”, which will allow connection to any BF4DB-protected server. If you encounter any issues with connection, please take a screenshot and let us know so we can look into it more. Thanks.