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  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since August 20, 2017

    You probably know No_Cheat_Turk:

    I say he got wallhacks and macros. Why? Well, in the last 15 matches he had 263 kills and 4 headshot ribbons (1 at most per round), which means he got somewhere between 12 and 20 headshots in that time resulting in a HS/K% of 4.5-7.6%. You may have a round or two of that but not over that many rounds. He mostly played aws with one round of scar and two of famas. All on TDM.

    He also played this round ( vs a full on rage hacker with eliminating only, invisible and aimbot. While I would consider myself a pretty decent player, against that cheater you just wont to that. My efforts can be seen in the round before that: and we played together, he also wasnt rage hacking for most of the round.

    Lets get to the rest of it. Its really hard to proof if someone uses wallhacks and/or macros. He plays his aws with flir, heavy barrel and bipod (which he never uses) ( He runs the coyote with heavy barrel and bipod on his mtar aswell ( And then he did this:

    I am not saying one cant be lucky but that is a bit too lucky, especially with those setups. I still have the full round on my drive but we destroyed him completly so its not of much use.

    What I do however have is from an earlier encounter: I basically wrote everything you need to know down in the video. After that I also joined after him to spectate him:

    We all know the spectator is buggy as hell and barely helping, but we also know that if there is no mouse movement to counter recoil, as it is when someone is using a macro or aimbot, it looks like the first kill.

    He also is the admin of said server (which I didnt know). I got kicked from the server, which tells us he somehow knows I was spectating. While it could have been that he checks who joined his server in procon after each death, I doubt that. You also dont randomly check the server page. So he somehow knows, ok. Why would you kick me though if there is nothing to see? He says "hacker" later but that doesnt answer why he kicked me from spectating. After I rejoin he never respawns as you can see.

    I know its all just indication and no solid proof like aiming through walls and such yet at least to me its clear. To play against him feels exactly like playing vs miro

    Edit: the last 15 battlereports as of writing this:

  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since August 20, 2017

    I guess noone wants to comment on that

  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since November 25, 2018

    Realistically it is just a lot of information to look through, and while they were going through it the thread probably got buried and they forgot.

  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since November 25, 2018

  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since August 31, 2017

    You should watch him more, like on others servers, but I gotta say, it does looks like wallhack on this video:

    very suspicious, at 0:11 when he kills Zuchu80, he keeps going through the gate at 0:12, then somehow he see a 2nd player, since he is hurt, he goes back to heal, then he goes aiming exactly where the other player is coming from, there is no sound, laser or spot that would allow him to guess that there was another player, the only explanation is that the player that was killed on the gate is from his squad and told him that there was 2 players, but his squad mate got killed by Zuchu80 and not by that 2nd player, also the lack of headshots is strange, some games he get a ton and some he get close to none, like the game he got 71 famas kills and 4 pistol kills, out of 75 kills, he only got a min. of 6 headshots or a max. of 8 headshots(  small map, TDM, normal mode and a few players, he should have much more, judging of how he "can not control" the recoil of mtar, he should be getting a ton of random headshots.

  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since October 30, 2017


     Reason: No Proof Provided ... How can player with more than 10 rounds of KPM 60 to be clean? How that stats can be possible? No one on those reports have similar stats so its not a boosting.

    Imagine someone dying 33 times in 1 minutes. Those are obviously glitched battlereports.

    Do not create more unrelated replies in other threads.

  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since May 28, 2019

    I cant contact with you. No PM option. Sorry but i cant even make new topic here. Maybe missing permissions.

    How can all other players at those reports to have not glitched stats? Whats meat glitched stats? Its something what he did, or not? If yes so that must to be cheating too, correct? Actually almost all reports of him are like that. Check yourself

    And this start after specific date 2019.05.13

    About No_Cheat_Turk I know him and I think he use wallhacks too

    Ill not comment here anymore

  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since May 08, 2017


    I cant contact with you. No PM option. Sorry but i cant even make new topic here. Maybe missing permissions.

    How can all other players at those reports to have not glitched stats? Whats meat glitched stats? Its something what he did, or not? If yes so that must to be cheating too, correct? Actually almost all reports of him are like that. Check yourself

    And this start after specific date 2019.05.13

    About No_Cheat_Turk I know him and I think he use wallhacks too

    Ill not comment here anymore


    Restarting round mid game, changing map mid game, and other things.. All factors that can create such reports. And they just appear out of nowhere.. It can not be manipulated by clients. So no, this isn't a cheat. Would be a pretty pointless cheat too..

  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since July 06, 2017

    I have exactly the same experience with this player TURK, that he is using wall hacks. but sadly it isnt enough. so I will see if I can play more often against him and gather some evidence against him and his "clean" case.

  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since August 20, 2017


  • Uncut_HeXe
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    ESP is quite difficult to prove and you will be hard pressed to prove a TDM player with 5000+ hours isn't just using experience to predict where a player is. Macro's have never been proved from spectator video. If you want to prove esp we would need to see spectator footage of multiple rounds. His low hsk rate with the aws with a loadout he rarely uses could simply be him aiming center mass because the loadout he used is unfamiliar and is therefore aiming simply for consistency rather than maximum potential efficiency.

    The evidence for a ban is not sufficient yet

  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since February 08, 2019

    I have the same experience with him described as above and so do others who play alot on my servers. spectated him a couple times and he is shady af but I just cant proof it enough. The rule on my server is no proof = no ban but with turk and another one from their platoon (also proven clean) I just had to.

    This clearly works for him, so how the hell are we gonna catch this guy then Burt? 

  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since August 20, 2017

    there could simply be: record a round to proof your innocence

  • Uncut_HeXe
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Unless we can prove he’s hacking, we’re not handing down a ban. Innocent until proven guilty. Not the other way around. 
  • Uncut_HeXe
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017


    I have the same experience with him described as above and so do others who play alot on my servers. spectated him a couple times and he is shady af but I just cant proof it enough. The rule on my server is no proof = no ban but with turk and another one from their platoon (also proven clean) I just had to.

    This clearly works for him, so how the hell are we gonna catch this guy then Burt? 

    As I said before "If you want to prove esp we would need to see spectator footage of multiple rounds."