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  • Nik010s
    Member since June 26, 2018


    English is not my native language so I appologize for possible mistakes.

    BF4DB Profile:

    I was false banned by PunkBuster with violation (gamehack) number 86001. I have newer used any cheating or hacking software. PB banned me approximately 20-30 seconds after the game started.

    Asking for your help with this matter.

  • Nik010s
    Member since May 08, 2017

  • Nik010s
    Member since June 26, 2018

    If you say so. WilI I be able to login sniper server for my evidence to be recorded? 

  • Nik010s
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Yes, your case will be re-opened so you can join a server.
  • Nik010s
    Member since June 26, 2018

    Just tried to login server - it kicked me with 86001 violation a few second after I join the game. How to record video for you then?

  • Nik010s
    Member since June 26, 2018

  • Nik010s
    Member since June 26, 2018

    And now this:!Ao3YWViprk1ekW18SbA6YA49xlMa

  • Nik010s
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Please upload those images to a free hosting site such as Imgur.

  • Nik010s
    Member since June 26, 2018

  • Nik010s
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    GGC is another anti-cheat service, you can either:

    1. Find a new server to record your gameplay
    2.  Appeal your ban with GGC which will get denied
    3. Your only option is 1.

    You have been granted an additional 72h to find a new server to play on and replicate those stats.

  • Nik010s
    Member since June 26, 2018

    All servers  I tried to join are giving me the same errors. Only option is to join a PunkBuster-free servers whose are always empty (nobody wants to play cheats-unprotected session). You should understand that only option you gave me is to say hello to false ban. May I, at least, record Battlefield 3 gameplay?

  • Nik010s
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    BF3 gameplay will not be acceptable.

    If you are unable to record your game, we have no choice but to deny your ban appeal.

  • Nik010s
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Honestly, even if we lift the ban, you’ll still be kicked for the violation so not much we can do. 

  • Nik010s
    Member since June 26, 2018

    Thanks then. Just thought you want to see my capabilities to play like one of reports you suggested suspicious, whatever game is. But I see that you just looking for reasons to not to lift my ban instead. If presumption of innocence means nothing for you and PB violation with no reason is your justice then I will deal with it. Had a slight hope for your understanding and support but now I am done with fighting for a lost cause.

    P.S: My gratitude to Sovereign_Skies for sincerity - wish I had known this before I started this thread in order to not waste both your and my time.


  • Nik010s
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    The punkbuster ban code you are receiving does not seem to allow players to play again. In rare cases we have seen the player playing again but it seems your case may be similar to the majority of cases we have seen. I analyzed a large number of your reports and did not see anything overly suspicious on them. Some had high HSK rates but did not seem to be anything more than careful aiming. I will discuss with the other staff but in our experience punkbuster will continue to kick you. Lifting our ban will change nothing unfortunately, but if your account is cleared by us you could buy another without fear of being banned for a linked account by us (not recommended you do that until you are cleared though)