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  • Torque475
    Member since 6 years ago

    A good number of instances where he seems to snap to target, or look through walls at the center of mass. There was also a number of times I noticed less recoil than I thought (3:04 compared to 3:33) 

    I have access to the source files and am willing to provide editted or source to demonstrate or prove my claims in regards to frame counts.

    All times are in video description and comments (all with more detail):

    Times with not as much reasonable explanation:

    1:17 - 15deg snap and fire that did not get counted (center of mass)

    4:35 - ~20 deg snap (8 frames) and single shot headshot 

    4:45 - Potential ESP with aiming at and near a player behind cover (~10 frames if top of head visible before ADS)

    5:00 - snappy single -hip fired shot headshot with sw40

    6:55 - aims at rock (center of mass based on tiny bit of helmet) and shifts to head. See the description for more info.

    8:03, 8:06, 8:18, and then 9:55 - 4 kills in a row that were single shot kills with Unica and then the Deagle. First three looked like neck shots, and could potentially be explained as luck. Last kill (9:55) was much more snappy and impossible than the others.

    10:15 - about 15 frames of visibility a half second before he ADS, and was charging the railgun as soon as he ADS. And the person ran out as the gun fired. Potentially possible.

    More interesting times that are more explainable - I Recognize possible explanations in video description:

    4:02 - aims at a wall after a kill, I checked map ~5 seconds later and there was an enemy in that general area

    7:30 - another short visibility near edge of screen with active target in center of screen with a turn and aiming perfectly at them when visibility was restored.

    9:30 - another potential ESP as he looked through wall at a target, strafed to window and there was an enemy.

    10:03 railgun kills always merit examination. - especially when first shot is the first kill and the second is a assist as kill. Crosshairs were not on target when it fired (lag?) and it was impossible from background to determine if his aim snapped in the moment before firing.

    There is plenty more mildly interesting points that seemed to have small snaps, low recoil, or potential ESP moments in the comments of the video. 

    Potentially Low recoil:

    M60 (0:57) - 2 headshots

    SR2 (3:03)

    MPX (6:32)

    Bulldog (6:52)

  • mustafabet
    Member since 6 years ago

    Player is using aimbot, he only kills with two shots!

    Kills: 33

    Shots Hit: 66

  • mustafabet
    Member since 6 years ago

  • Burt
    Retired Staff
    Member since 6 years ago


    This player has been cleared by BF4DB

    Reason: Clean Stats

    This thread is now closed

    -pp-natal Battlelog Ban Policy