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  • ImCaddy
    Member since May 23, 2019

    Soldier Name: ImCaddy

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Have You Claimed Your Profile: Yes

    Appeal: Hello. "Shadow" from Best BF4 Conquest Servers on discord ( told me to contact BF4DB to appeal my ban after he unbanned me; he also told me to tell you guys that y'all, and I quote, "are a bunch of cucks." I am contacting y'all because I have been banned for "suspicious stats" particularly from using the PDWR. It says that I am using aimbot, but I honestly have never used aimbot or any cheats in my life. I have no clue how I got stats with the pdwr because I really hate that weapon, I would never use it. Plus, I haven't played BF4 in a good minute, only BF1 while away at college. If there's any way to indicate when this stat came up, I could verify if I was even playing BF4 or not. In all honesty, I feel like I've been hacked or something because I never use cheats; I've been playing Battlefield since Bad Company on xbox, and I've never been banned for any kind of cheating! I'm not sure what else I could do, but I'm telling y'all I did not use aimbot. I feel like it's just one big understanding! "Shadow" from discord asked me if I was doing a "stat pat" or something and I told him "no I don't even know what that is." I hope y'all can reason with me, and understand where I'm coming from because I freaking love this game, I'd hate to never play it again. I'd appreciate it if y'all would get back to me whenever possible. Thank you.

  • ImCaddy
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    1. Do you know who this is?
    2. Do you want to explain this?
  • ImCaddy
    Member since May 23, 2019

    Yes, I know that player. That's my younger brother, we play bf4 together. But I see the stat but I don't use aimbot. I don't know how I got that stat, I haven't played bf4 for a while. How can I prove to you that I'm not hacking?

  • ImCaddy
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Do you have any battle reports that shows both of you playing together?

  • ImCaddy
    Member since May 23, 2019

    I don't believe I have any "battle reports." I'm not really sure what that is, but I do have him added as a friend on Origin.

  • ImCaddy
    Member since May 08, 2017


    Soldier Name: ImCaddy

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Have You Claimed Your Profile: Yes

    Appeal: Hello. "Shadow" from Best BF4 Conquest Servers on discord ( told me to contact BF4DB to appeal my ban after he unbanned me; he also told me to tell you guys that y'all, and I quote, "are a bunch of cucks." I am contacting y'all because I have been banned for "suspicious stats" particularly from using the PDWR. It says that I am using aimbot, but I honestly have never used aimbot or any cheats in my life. I have no clue how I got stats with the pdwr because I really hate that weapon, I would never use it. Plus, I haven't played BF4 in a good minute, only BF1 while away at college. If there's any way to indicate when this stat came up, I could verify if I was even playing BF4 or not. In all honesty, I feel like I've been hacked or something because I never use cheats; I've been playing Battlefield since Bad Company on xbox, and I've never been banned for any kind of cheating! I'm not sure what else I could do, but I'm telling y'all I did not use aimbot. I feel like it's just one big understanding! "Shadow" from discord asked me if I was doing a "stat pat" or something and I told him "no I don't even know what that is." I hope y'all can reason with me, and understand where I'm coming from because I freaking love this game, I'd hate to never play it again. I'd appreciate it if y'all would get back to me whenever possible. Thank you.



    I don't believe I have any "battle reports." I'm not really sure what that is, but I do have him added as a friend on Origin.

    That is one way to start an appeal.

  • ImCaddy
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Regardless, a 76% headshot kill ratio (7.6 headshots for every 10 kills) is almost impossible to achieve unless you're either using an aimbot or you're very carefully choosing your kills.

    I can tell you right now that you are not carefully choosing your kills because your kills per minute are almost 3. Which means you're either playing close quarter maps or you're a try hard that only brings out the PDW-R to kill someone and switches back to your secondary or knife. Looking over your battle reports, you're not a try hard so the only logical explanation is that you used aimbot at some point in time.

    We'll be checking the link between you and the other account which you claim to be your brother. Have you ever played with him in the same server?

  • ImCaddy
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Battle reports can be found on Battlelog, or you can also get them through 

    Has your account been accessed by someone else? Did you give your login to anyone else?

    In terms of Shadow, he can call us whatever he likes. At the end of the day, he hacked and got caught and banned by us, and continues to hack while reporting and banning other hackers from his server...then contributing to us financially every month as well.

  • ImCaddy
    Member since May 23, 2019

    I have no association with Shadow aside from his unbanning me on his server(s). I didn't know if you guys were friends with him and would take it as an inside joke or not, but I'm just relaying the message. My bad. 

    But I understand the statistic indicating that I was using aimbot, but I can assure you that I genuinely I do not use hacks or any sort. Although, I do feel like I've been hacked because I remember my younger brother, "Bakre_SAB," has been hacked before and both our PC's are in one location. I do have proof that I've played with him before:

    But please consider this, I understand you guys must meet all kinds of cheaters, but would a cheater go through all this effort to get unbanned? I don't how else to prove to you guys that I've never used aimbot, but I'll even reset my stats on BF4 if it means I'll get unbanned! 

  • ImCaddy
    Member since May 08, 2017


    I have no association with Shadow aside from his unbanning me on his server(s). I didn't know if you guys were friends with him and would take it as an inside joke or not, but I'm just relaying the message. My bad. 

    But I understand the statistic indicating that I was using aimbot, but I can assure you that I genuinely I do not use hacks or any sort. Although, I do feel like I've been hacked because I remember my younger brother, "Bakre_SAB," has been hacked before and both our PC's are in one location. I do have proof that I've played with him before:

    But please consider this, I understand you guys must meet all kinds of cheaters, but would a cheater go through all this effort to get unbanned? I don't how else to prove to you guys that I've never used aimbot, but I'll even reset my stats on BF4 if it means I'll get unbanned! 

    If you got hacked and those stats are a result from that, we can not help you. Reason why is pinned in the appeals section.

  • ImCaddy
    Member since May 23, 2019

    Okay, but I don't have proof that I've been hacked, so I'm not officially making that claim. I would just like to continue to play one of my favorite games, bf4. Would resetting my stats help my appeal? What else can I do?

  • ImCaddy
    Member since May 08, 2017


    Okay, but I don't have proof that I've been hacked, so I'm not officially making that claim. I would just like to continue to play one of my favorite games, bf4. Would resetting my stats help my appeal? What else can I do?

    No. Would need you to replicate those stats while recording or a confirmation that you got hacked.

  • ImCaddy
    Member since May 23, 2019

    Those are the only two options? Well, there's no way I'll ever be able to replicate those stats because that's impossible and I can't join any server without getting automatically kicked, so I'll be confirming that I got hacked. 

  • ImCaddy
    Member since May 08, 2017


    Those are the only two options? Well, there's no way I'll ever be able to replicate those stats because that's impossible and I can't join any server without getting automatically kicked, so I'll be confirming that I got hacked. 

    If you want to record, your ban will be lifted for 72h to prevent kicks. Minimum resolution of the rec needs to be 720p. Upload to YouTube and paste link here with the battlereport. Use the same weapon and get stats as close to original as possible.

    Those are the terms for recording.

  • ImCaddy
    Member since May 23, 2019

    okay, I will make an attempt. I'll warn you tho, I suck at using the PDWR and I hate that gun, but if this will help me lift the ban then ill do anything!