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  • muncho4
    Member since May 28, 2017

    Hi everyone, I'm wondering about how "Hits" are calculated in battle reports when it comes to vehicles like the AA. There's a guy I'm suspicious of and his # of hits seems impossible but I'm not sure if it's because of how hits are calculated when it comes to vehicles. Will every shot hit with the main cannon of the AA count as only one hit? If so, this guy is clearly damage modding.

    battle report:

    also, more conclusive evidence in this same game for the ban for WallyBeaner. 68% HSK ratio and very high hit/kill.

  • muncho4
    Member since May 05, 2017

    The shots hit count in the detailed battlereport stats is the amount of hits the server registered from a certain player. His registered hits are definitely way too low for this killcount adding up to around 3 hits per kill which is nowhere near the 7.2% - 2.4% (600-1000m) damage rating for the 20mm MAA cannons ( ) ( Damage Data from )

    Thank you for the reports, both players will be taken care of.

    Edit: This one has already been taken care of by Burt 2 weeks ago, This one was just banned by me for the reason listed above.

  • muncho4
    Member since May 28, 2017


    Yeah I was just saying that the evidence for Wally's ban was not as conclusive as possible, the noted battle report is more conclusive

  • muncho4
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    I was playing against him when I banned him. He was using walls and an Aimbot I think. The mg4 stats we’re supporting. 

  • muncho4
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Thread locked.