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  • TBSaucy
    Member since May 20, 2019

    Soldier Name: TBSaucy
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.

    First of all this ban started maybe a year or 2 ago and I didn't know why. A couple of days ago I thought it was PunkBuster that was banning me but realized all my PB ports weren't opened on my computer so when I learned how to fix that, and that solved my problem. Then after pb was fixed I started to always get kicked off of servers before I even saw the map and it would say banned by admin or something like that. Then yesterday I finally found out you have to go into battlelog to actually see why your getting kicked and this is the error I found last night: Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: [BF4DB] Linked Account. Appeal at    

    I copied and pasted the link in last and pasted the link in last night and I saw that I was banned a year ago and like I said befoire I literally have no idea why. I dont know what a linked account is and I dont cheat or do anything Im just trying to get back to playing BF4 if someone can please help me get this soilved I would very much apprecaite it. The name on this account is the same name for my BF4 account. Please someone help me.

  • TBSaucy
    Member since May 08, 2017


    Soldier Name: TBSaucy
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.

    First of all this ban started maybe a year or 2 ago and I didn't know why. A couple of days ago I thought it was PunkBuster that was banning me but realized all my PB ports weren't opened on my computer so when I learned how to fix that, and that solved my problem. Then after pb was fixed I started to always get kicked off of servers before I even saw the map and it would say banned by admin or something like that. Then yesterday I finally found out you have to go into battlelog to actually see why your getting kicked and this is the error I found last night: Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: [BF4DB] Linked Account. Appeal at    

    I copied and pasted the link in last and pasted the link in last night and I saw that I was banned a year ago and like I said befoire I literally have no idea why. I dont know what a linked account is and I dont cheat or do anything Im just trying to get back to playing BF4 if someone can please help me get this soilved I would very much apprecaite it. The name on this account is the same name for my BF4 account. Please someone help me.


    Please claim all your accounts.

  • TBSaucy
    Member since May 20, 2019

    I only have one claimed account that i own and have, and that is the TBSaucy account that I claimed. I do not own that other account unless someone hacked into my account and changed the name and then changed it back to TBSaucy which I dont think that happened. With that said I dont know how my account gopt mixed up with this other account but I definitely have not cheated before or linked accounts or whatever my account is banned for. I literally havent been able to play BF4 for almost year going on 2 now and i just want to play BF4 again. If you type in the other account that you guys think I have connected to mine in origin(iWillSuU3) youll find that that account doesn't exist so I'm really confused why I'm even in this whole situation. 

    Thank for understanding,


  • TBSaucy
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

  • TBSaucy
    Member since May 20, 2019

    The TNsaucy account is mine. The other 2 accounts do not belong to me. However, I dont understand why i would be banned on that account because I only have bfV on that account I dont even own bf4 on that account. And if you go to the other 2 accounts thats not mine my bf4 account thats banned isnt even linked to those accounts. If im not understanding this correctly please help me. But anything yoiiu guys can do to unban my bf4 account would be much appreciated.


  • TBSaucy
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    If TNSaucy is yours, you need to claim it.

  • TBSaucy
    Member since May 20, 2019

    I keep getting an error when i try to claim the solider. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

  • TBSaucy
    Member since May 20, 2019

    IS anyone going to help????

  • TBSaucy
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Log-out, clear browser history and cache, try again. Without claimed account we will not investigate your case.

  • TBSaucy
    Member since January 04, 2018

    Try to join BF4DB Discord server (invite link at bottom page) and PM an admin if error still occurs.

  • TBSaucy
    Member since May 05, 2017

    If you don’t own BF4 on that account, then why does Origin say you do, and you have 5 rounds played with battle reports?

  • TBSaucy
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    If no response from OP in 24h and no claimed accounts ban appeal will be denied.

  • TBSaucy
    Member since May 20, 2019

    @Sovereign_Skies Because I deleted the account u guys banned because no one responded in 2 days so I just m,ade another account and bought bf4 on that 1. But now that account is partially banned so I need yall to remove it.

  • TBSaucy
    Member since May 20, 2019

    Soldier Name: TNsaucy
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.

    Just bought bf4 on the account a couple of days ago and was banned. The original aacount that you see up top I was trynna get an appeal for I just deleted it. so you guys can just appeal this one.

    But what about my TNsuacy account? can you unBAN THAT ONE i JUST GOT THJE GAME A COUPLE DAYS AGO. And im telling the truth I dont know who that other account is. 


  • TBSaucy
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    You are absolutely positive that you do not know who this is?

    Additionally, you triggered a PB Violation on July of 2016 and per our ban policy your ban will remain.
