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  • anthdawg5443
    Gold Supporter
    Member since October 11, 2017

    BF4DB Profile:


    I was banned because i jumped levels? i'm lost on really why i was banned i need some further explanation i don't understand what i have done wrong to be banned from all these servers i have played Battlefield 4 on PC legit ever since 2014 when i bought the game on PC


    I have always just played Battlefield 4 on regular server with buddies and i remember one day i was kicked and banned for good and i was not doing anything but playing the game i was like level 88 that i know was 100% legitimate and i don't understand why i was banned nor why i was accused of cheating.

    Additional Information:

    I just want to go back to playing my Battlefield 4 with my same account i have across all my systems i don't feel like buying the game again to be banned again like it says in ea's tos that if i'm deemed to be the same player they will ban me once more so why buy the game again when they can just ban me again because i was banned here i just don't understand why i was banned i would just like some clearance on why and how the whole banning thing happened to me is all, Thank you to whomever replies to this thread. me and my garbage spelling

  • anthdawg5443
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    It looks like you had a stat reset from Fairfight

  • anthdawg5443
    Gold Supporter
    Member since October 11, 2017

    yeah but i dont understand why i was reset and also how does that make me flagged for a ban?, sorry if i sound rude i'm just lost on this process

  • anthdawg5443
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    A FairFight reset = ban.

    While EA's "anti-cheat" services like to forgive cheaters, we don't.

    Additionally, ensure you've claimed your soldier before we can continue this discussion.

  • anthdawg5443
    Gold Supporter
    Member since October 11, 2017

    just did that i was trying to figure out how to do that and also why did it take you guys so long to ban me when this reset happened almost 2 years ago then? and also fairfight reset me when i was like level 14 isn't that like a problem they had because of new players getting resets for no reason? i'm just curious i don't really know tho. all i know is that i can't play pretty much any battlefield without being in with stupid cheaters when i never cheated

  • anthdawg5443
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Since we arent fairfight we don't know why they chose to take action on your account but we do use fairfight resets as a ban reason here

  • anthdawg5443
    Gold Supporter
    Member since October 11, 2017

    oh i read ur message wrong lol im sorry

  • anthdawg5443
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Fairfight resets an accounts stats. Something you did tripped the fairfight system and they decided to reset your account and temp ban it. The reasoning behind their ban is their own. 
  • anthdawg5443
    Gold Supporter
    Member since October 11, 2017

    isnt whatever reason they did that enough then to just perm ban me on pretty much every battlefield server 2 years after that ban for a week happened?

  • anthdawg5443
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Well why do you think fairfight banned you

  • anthdawg5443
    Gold Supporter
    Member since October 11, 2017

    i remember when i got banned i was at my grandparents playing but maybe because i was hopping ips aka going from my house to my grandparents is that was to get banned because thats the only thing i can think of

  • anthdawg5443
    Gold Supporter
    Member since October 11, 2017

    i remember when i was banned i was playing on operation locker sniping people with a flir sight and it was kinda sketchy cause i was getting a lot of no scopes and quick scopes and shit if that makes a difference? because at the time that's what i thought it was that banned me is that i was getting too many kills at the same time? i have no idea
  • anthdawg5443
    Member since May 08, 2017

    We have no influence on EA. If you think the reset is a mistake, mail

  • anthdawg5443
    Gold Supporter
    Member since October 11, 2017

    what would i have to get ea to do to get unbanned here show me evidence that it was a mistake on their part for you to unban me and is that even possible? to get ea to show me that it was a mistake on their part because ea just sends you somewhere else to try and get answers
  • anthdawg5443
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    If the email they send says the ban was a mistake then we will lift our ban. We will leave this appeal open for now and you can get back to us after you get your answer from EA