So I noticed a system msg spamming "banned for dmg mod" on one of the servers i play on occasionally and now I'm here. I don't understand why/how i was banned - i don't hack and, outside of once trying an auto-clicking macro a loong time ago, i never have.
What is a "dmg mod"? what server did i incur the ban on? I feel my stats/battlereports illustrate that I'm a decent player, but nothing special - please take a look for yourselves: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/2TailTiger/stats/1462761560/pc/
As far as i can tell, the "ban" msg only come up on one gunmaster server i play on very infrequently so it hasn't had too much impact on my experience playing the game, but it's confusing and unwarranted so i thought i'd appeal.
anyway, please take a look.
In the short clip provided in your banreason, you shoot a guy with one bullet from the RPK12. It is a normal server, the RPK12 does 24,5 damage. The headshot multiplier is 2,13. 24,5 * 2,13 = 52,185. A one hit kill, even with a headshot, is not possible.
In the clip, your target is not getting hit from other angles either. Your overall damage stats on the RPK12 and soms other weapons are slightly elevated as well.
In short: a damage mod seems to be a logical explanation.
I just watched the clip and honestly i have no explanation :L
Are you sure it's a normal server and not custom and that he had full hp before i shot him?
While i get that from just the clip it looks a bit suspect, the clip is also very short and must not show the full picture - i don't hack.
I hope you reconsider my ban,
I am pretty sure the health was 100%. I need to have the battlereport of that game so I can see the overall stats. But as I said, your damage is already higher then average so I will most likely be able to find the reports responsible for that..
Unfortunately I am not on my PC at the moment. I will investigate further asap.
I'd appreciate it, thanks.
@zerg052689, create your own appeal. Don't appeal your ban in other's thread.I m banned on global server , on all servers i have error message: Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'ZeRg-XT' ... GLOBAL PunkBuster GUID BAN 3d4c6410 Please un bann me if you can do this GUID 3d4c6410
My link to profile: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/ZeRg-XT/stats/886827287/pc/
I m banned on battlefield 4.
ban reason because i use a trainer from mpgh forum for camping but i see this is working and for multiplayer. sorry for this.
I am sure this is the report from the video. A normal server, no hardcore.
Sometimes exceptions to the policy can be made if something is really obvious (like flying or in this case, the unexplainable increase of damage). I will discuss the case with the other staff and will come back with our definitive answer asap.
@mr_sparkle2000, read the above thread and create your own appeal in English.
Your post here is removed.
Case has been reviewed and deemed to be a valid ban.
Appeal denied.