• ZyliXX
    Member since June 29, 2017

    ....the cheatcoders themselves?????

    Protecting their clients???

    So many CLEAN? No other proof? You have only watch some stats to know they are not CLEAN.

    Sry guys I once saw a cheatcoder become an anti-cheatcoder programing an ACS with big promises....

    In the end he supported his cheatclients bypassing his own anti-cheatsoftware for money.

    I can´t help but it all remembers me to this story.

    And if you want you can take me out from here. TY.

  • ZyliXX
    Member since May 08, 2017

    When you report without evidence, we won't look into the player. Plain and simple. Add evidence to your reports in the form of battlereports, bans on other BF4 AC's, PB screenshots, spectator footage or anything else that proves that a player might be cheating.

    Empty reports are nothing but distraction from our main task.

  • ZyliXX
    Member since June 29, 2017

    Again no clear answer. Like the answers to ur algorhithm. Or why I have 20% cheatscore.

    Many ppl report players and u set these players to clean, without evidence they DO NOT CHEAT. How can u know? "IN DUBIO PRO REO."

    Hahaha. This is so ridiculous and for me it is a fact you protect all this cheaters with  their private hacks.

  • ZyliXX
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, how unrealistic that opinion might be. 

    If you do not like our work, that is okay. How the cheatscore is calculated has been explained multiple times. I also explained why certain cases are set to clean.

    If you have any constructive feedback, besides unfunded accusations I am very willing to listen to them. If you have nothing more to offer then the posts above I will lock the thread.

  • ZyliXX
    Member since May 05, 2017

    As it was mentioned, reports that are submitted without evidence are cleared without checking them. It’s not so much that they’re guaranteed “clean”, and that’s something we’re implementing in our next website update (along with a ton of other fixes and changes) to more properly reflect their status of actually clean vs cleared for no proof. We literally have 11 pages of reports right now plus another two thousand accounts that were auto flagged for various reasons (not banned just flagged for review) so fully investigating each and every account that was reported without proof is not feasible right now.

    In terms of why you have a 20% cheat score, it is based on statistics (I’d have to go and look at the exact calculation as I don’t recall off the top of my head) but shouldn’t be used as a metric for determining who hacks and who doesn’t, and it’s not something we use in determining ban status. Modifying how that’s displayed and labeled is also on the next update. 

    If you don’t like our service then we apologize and you’re more than welcome to stop using it. We’re always open to constructive criticism and suggestions.

  • ZyliXX
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    The staff here has been very nice in their responses but I'm not site staff so, instead of being a crybaby and just bitching about how the admins here "don't do their job", how about you provide constructive feedback? If you "know" who cheats why not help the website staff that do this for FREE instead of being a little bitch and claiming that they protect cheaters? Hell, I remember not two months ago one of the most active Discord members got clapped by PBBANS and guess what? ALL of his accounts got banned here, every single one. Someone once said opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and some stink, your asshole stinks bud.

  • ZyliXX
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    This site has been up for around a year and in that time over 20,000 player reports have been reviewed. If a report is sent with no evidence the chances of us finding cheating evidence is lower. Usually I look into a reported player even if there is no evidence provided but I will not spend hours digging through thousands of reports to back up someones claim of "esp probably" A clean player can still be reported through the forums and if proper evidence is provided then they will be banned. We do not protect any cheaters here.

  • ZyliXX
    Member since June 29, 2017

  • ZyliXX
    Member since March 24, 2018


    De nuevo, no hay una respuesta clara. Como las respuestas a tu algoritmo. ¿Por qué tengo un 20% de puntaje de prueba?

    Muchas personas informan Los jugadores y tú pones a los jugadores a limpiar, sin evidencia que NO TRATE. ¿Cómo puedes saber sable? "EN DUBIO PRO REO".

    Jajaja. Esto es tan ridículo y para mí es un hecho que protege a todos estos tramposos con sus hacks privados.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         tienes toda la razón protegen su negocio sucio de hack de pago limpian tramposos tan evidentes que solo hay que ver sus estadísticas y luego prohíben una cuenta limpia solo por el hecho de estar vinculada a otra que fue robada a otra persona de la misma casa. según ellos solo puede haber un jugador por casa y ordenador. estúpida regla sin sentido.  una gilipollez como una casa
