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  • GoPostal
    Member since 7 years ago

    @ 0:04 ( After review, this is a texture glitch )

    @ 0:14 ( shoots through screen like theres nothing there ~Edited~ Since screen was already shot, screen could have been face down for him but still standing in spec mode,)

    @ 1:23 ( can he really see through this glass ) **Edited** This could be related to graphics settings.

  • Scavenger
    Member since 6 years ago

    Reviewing the footage with other staffmembers

  • Torque475
    Member since 6 years ago

    I have additional video proof that this player is using an Aimbot.

    First video: He is consistently snapping to targets, and when he scopes in, they are already in the center of the crosshairs, (almost) every time. 

    Here is a list of times for the first video

    Note- There are more snaps than are listed below, but these are more obvious.

    0:07 - snaps and starts to scope in to the wall, behind which is a spawn point.

    0:19 - scopes in and it is perfectly centered on the head.

    1:02 - tracks and fires through bushes, at that speed that would be very difficult.

    1:13 - Again, perfectly on target when scoping in, no adjustment, just a verification of target

    1:17 - snap to a guy that dies mid-snap, snap straight to the head of a newly spawned person. That snap is in the video

    Second match:

    List of sketchy/obvious aimbot

    1:02 - Firing at the ground?

    1:23 - snaps and doesn't aim. when slowed down, you can tell that there is a person where he snapped to. Then he is snapping between that position and a place a little halfway into the wall, as if he's checking that the person is still there. In the end, he gets a kill

    2:47 - Interesting, I'm not sure what to make of it

    (Obvious) *4:58 - Snap through smoke and starts firing. - person comes out soon after and he scores the kill

    5:38 - snap to target behind covers. Continues running in that direction.

    5:39 - Aims through brush and begins firing as soon as sight is had.

    5:58 - snaps directly towards someone behind several walls (map view) for a moment before turning back in the direction he was going. - does it again shortly after (watch at 0.25) 

    6:05 - aims and they were already in the dead center of the screen.

    6:15 - starts to aim at person farther away, it snaps to person through crates who he follows and shoots

    6:52 - does it again on the map - right at a person through much cover.

    6:57 - snap from target to behind cover - Before he's done firing

    7:26 - Throws nade above cover very close to where a person was - it didn't go as far as he hoped, but it was still aiming at something he had no knowledge of whatsoever.

    7:36 - snap before firing after aiming (short distance) for a headshot (1st shot fired)

    7:39 - interesting final kill.

  • GoPostal
    Member since 7 years ago

  • skulls
    Member since 7 years ago


    This player has been cleared by BF4DB

    Reason: Clean Stats

    This thread is now closed

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