This player has been previously reported but was not banned. If you have new evidence to submit against this player, please open a ticket on our Discord server.

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  • SgtSuPeRNoVa
    Member since 6 years ago

    Wall Hack and Aimbot

    Reported in BF4DB Forum

  • Riotranz
    Member since 6 years ago

    Using shotgun for a whole round will definitely increase the overall accuracy. 45% ACC with shotgun is actually really low.

    The enemy behind that wall is definitely spotted, judging from the fact that the health bar is shown in spectator mode when you are watching the reported player's POV and you can hear the motion sensor being thrown and beeping in the clip. The player across could be standing too close to the other side of the wall, causing the 3D Spotting system glitched, which will lead to the health bar/player name/spotting icon shown through the wall. The reported player could be trying if he could shoot through the wall or hit the enemy player's potentially glitched player models that stuck through the wall.

    Reported player's overall HSKR is a bit above average but it's possible due to the player's favor on the map Operation Metro and the low average HSKR of shotguns.

    Player is currently marked as CLEAN until additional evidence.

  • Riotranz
    Member since 6 years ago


    This player has been cleared by BF4DB

    Reason: No Active BF4 Ban

    This thread is now closed

    HeadFartKill Battlelog Ban Policy