• Micas
    Member since November 05, 2017

    Hello BF4DB peoples. I could use some tips on how to improve cheat reports. All 13 of the reports I've made so far have resulted in bans, but a few were set clean before another player filed another report. Generally, I don't bother reporting players unless they have a too-high head-shot kill ratio in matches I've played as that seems to be the only thing that is convincing. I've just filed another one that I'm not confident will be convincing to whoever looks at it, but it does have a high SPM and high HSKR, so maybe. The guy was very obvious in the match, but in stats, I don't know.. 

    It seems to me that players can have very high SPM, very high KDs per match, and as long as they have a bot that mixes up body bones with occasional head-shots, and misses enough, there's nothing that can be done about that. Players only using ESP and a no-recoil macro seem impossible to prove cheating. I've specced players, but of course they know they are being watched. I've seen some other reports where one of the BF4DB staff asked the player to recreate a similar type of match result, recording it and making it available. Is that just a judgement thing? I don't want to file any reports that result in a player not being banned as other players may see that I'm 'hackusating' recklessly. 

    Anybody have thoughts on how to catch that more subtle cheater that just pushes it a little to hard sometimes? Seems like all that's getting banned now is the low hanging fruit.

  • Micas
    Member since January 04, 2018

    Hi, to answer your questions : 

    1. "Players only using ESP and a no-recoil macro seem impossible to prove cheating." That's where spectating becomes handy. Also you can try to dig into they report history (bf4cheatreport.com), sometimes they used aimbot or other kind of cheat before using esp & no-recoil. One other thing is to google the player's name, you'd be surprised by how many people have youtube channel of themselves cheating or who use the same name for account in hack forums.

    2. "I've specced players, but of course they know they are being watched. " Spec-alert is one of the most annoying thing ever indeed, but if you're admin on a server and suspect a player of using it, then why not ban him and request him to reproduce a battle report (BF4DB-style)? If he indeed uses ESP & no-recoil believe me he won't have the skill to reproduce anything remotely good.

    3."Is that just a judgement thing?" Basically it's to make sure that the player who appeals is capable of achieving stats he got banned for. Some players really tryhard for headshot or are extremely skilled. Those may be caught in the net by mistake.

    4. "I don't want to file any reports that result in a player not being banned as other players may see that I'm 'hackusating' recklessly. " The amount of report you do is not a problem as long as each of them is presenting evidence against reported player. There's a difference between reporting a player with evidence and one just going "omg hacker ban this fagget", and that even if the report doesn't lead to a ban.

    5."Anybody have thoughts on how to catch that more subtle cheater that just pushes it a little to hard sometimes? Seems like all that's getting banned now is the low hanging fruit." Well, let's be honest here, it's impossible to catch every single cheater in the game, some people just hide it perfectly. Luckily the 'low hanging fruit" is also the most common one. But like I said, try google, 24/7FairPlay can show some potential linked accounts, spectating, etc. See BF4DB as a net that will catch a lot of fishes but still some will make it through, it does make the job easier for server owners but doesn't completely relieve them from cheater hunt.

    Hope I gave you some answers here.

  • Micas
    Member since May 05, 2017

    If you become the “stalker ex-girlfriend”, it makes it easier to find cheats. A lot of times, people will use the same username across many different places so a simple google search may turn up usernames at cheat sites or other places. We can’t use that alone, but it’s an additional nail in the coffin if they’re cheating. There are other trends you can look for that would suggest kill trading or stat-padding. Longest nemesis streak is just one way of that. If they have some stupid high number, they’re likely to have stat padded that number. Looking at spotting ribbons or headshot ribbons can weed out some hackers too. If someone’s got 150 kills and 2 headshots, that’s statistically improbable and should be looked into. Similarly, 150 kills and 130 headshots, same thing. 

  • Micas
    Member since November 05, 2017

    I just wrote up some thoughts and questions, hit reply, and got a bad gateway message. Thanks for the suggestions though. I think it'll help. Off to report someone that I don't think I would have before.