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  • dougandbugs
    Member since October 22, 2017

    Player being Reported:

    Reason: Glitching into map and killing enemies


    This player glitched under the map purposely and made his rhib boat invisible/able to drive through walls/underneath the map. 

    This is not a case where someone spawned into a glitched map, this player practiced glitching first in empty servers, then took it into a full server. He is capping points and acting as a spawn beacon while his gunner kills people and he is underneath the map. Just because a glitch exists doesn't mean we are allowed to purposely seek it out and utilize it to gain a competitive advantage. 

    Glitching in empty servers first:

    Doing it on the empty server is fine, but doing so in a game in order to get kills and a competitive advantage is no different than the "glitch" that Russian Paladin used or the "glitch" that Vothaarn used or the "glitch" that some locker players use to get beacons inside the map. 

    I recognize that this is a player of some notoriety, but if a level 10 scrub were caught doing this he would certainly be banned. I also recognize this is a very good player that doesn't "need" to glitch, but neither did Russian Paladin. 

    Thank you for your service to the community. 

  • dougandbugs
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    This was over 5 years ago and as far as we know this was patched years before we even existed. Thanks for your report and for your continued support.

  • dougandbugs
    Member since October 22, 2017

    Of course I will abide your decision, but let me give it one last crack by examining the implications of this decision as it does seem like BF4DB would set a dangerous precedent if they exclude evidence that occurred before the existence of BF4DB.

    I noticed that you initially responded to my post by ruling it an invisibility glitch and tagged Ravic as such, only to change your mind and amend your post a few minutes later. So I assume there are dissenting opinions among the admin discord. Please allow me to make my final case and address both of the counter points you made. 

    Admin Argument #1- this occurred 5 years ago

    The current iteration of BF4DB has only been around for 2.5 years. Source-

     If someone reports a player with evidence from 3 years ago, let's say a punkbuster ban or video of an obvious aimbot, would that be excluded as well? Some quick calculation of 3000 pages of bans suggests you all have at least 45,000 bans on here. How many of those cases have evidence gathered from 2014, 2015, or 2016? Thousands. Why the special treatment for Ravic? 

    An admin stated in this thread that this case was "outside the statute of limitations". 

    What if someone appeals tomorrow and says the evidence against them was taken before BF4DB was here?

    When is the cutoff for evidence? What glitches are allowed? So if a game breaking glitched is later patched, it is acceptable to maliciously use it in the interim? It seems explicitly stated in this thread that invisibility is allowed (it hasn't been patched - see below),  and that any evidence prior to BF4DB's existence is not valid. 

    Admin Argument #2- this invisibility glitch was patched

    Glitches considered to be "game-breaking" will result in a ban if proven to be used maliciously. This includes, but is not limited to, invisibility. These will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Source-  

    He did it knowingly, repeatedly, and to gain an advantage. What is contained in this video is the definition of what is contained within the glitching policy on BF4DB's ToS. 

    Doesn't FairFight explicitly state that this type of map glitching is bannable in their ToS? This other guy got banned for glitching into places he didn't belong for a competitive advantage, why a different ruleset for Ravic?  Source-

    This guy as well, got within the map and then banned by BF4DB. Source-

    Banned for invisibility. Source-

    Invisible = ban Source-

    Invisible, so ban. Source-

    An admin banned a player for a glitch here, and even stated that invisibility is considered cheating. Source-

    Again I ask, why a different ruleset for Ravic? Because he cheated before you all could ban him for it? What would you say to another player who had evidence gathered from before BF4DB was here and used that reasoning? 

    I remind you that neither Vothaarn, Russian Paladin, nor Ravic had to use any external software whatsoever for their glitch. As recently as two years ago a BF4DB admin also stated that there was no way to be invisible in the final patch without a glitch, but was shown otherwise. Source-

    Edit: Just to add to BF4DB's knowledge base, players are still able to glitch vehicles to be invisible/go through walls since the last BF4 patch. Channels on youtube show explicitly how to do so without modifying the game files. I won't link them, but here is an example of the results of said glitch done so "post patch"     

    Final Summary

    Did this player knowingly use a glitch to make him and his vehicle invisible, able to drive through walls, drive underneath the map, and still be able to cap flags and see and shoot enemies? Yes

    Can you do this exact same glitch today with a simple youtube search? Yes. Again, not linking the how, just showing it can be done. But feel free to try the how videos on your own in an empty server to prove it has not been patched. Source (2018)

    Would a player today who did the exact same glitch as shown in that video get banned for doing the same thing? Yes

    Is saying it is outside the statute of limitations consistent with all the other cases here where evidence is used from 2014, 2015, and 2016? No

    What are the optics like for this case should Ravic be ruled clean in the light of clear evidence? Will other invisible players appeal? Will new players go invisible and use this as a precedent? Does that give the appearance of preferential treatment from BF4DB for certain players?

    Have the rules been rendered the same in this case as in other similar cases? Has BF4DB stayed true to its Mission Statement of equal treatment based upon the evidence, giving no preferential treatment to any player? I hope that will always be the case here. 

    I have demonstrated the above assertions with videos and previous BF4DB bans. Thank you for your time and I appreciate the service you provide the community and am only trying to be helpful. BF4DB has been accused on Reddit throughout the years of protecting certain players, and so I want to help show that is not the case.  I have been a member here for over two years and hope to continue in keeping hackers and game-breaking glitchers out of the game.