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  • FascinatingBruh
    Member since June 24, 2018

    Hello, I am TeeMustonen. I'm a long time Battlefield player. However, my stats are getting me hackusations and bans and I can't play on many of my favorite servers anymore...

    Okay, as you can see on my Battlelog stats, my two best guns are the GOL Magnum and the QSZ-92. I have literally tens of thousands of kills with both of them and hundreds of hours of use. However, my KPM with my pistol gets me in trouble. It is nearly 12, because I only finish off kills with it if I get a hitmarker with my GOL or if I don't have time to reload the rifle. I almost never go pistol only. The game only counts time in hand, so when people look at my stats, they think that I literally get a kill every 5 seconds, which is ridiculous.

    Now, a sniper shot does a lot of damage so even when someone gets away they are likely to die in their next fire fight. Naturally that and my percetually large use of bolt action rifles leads me
    to also have a high K/KA -ratio (many of the assists count as a kill).

    If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. But please don't accuse me of hacking without thinking first. I'm tired of that...


  • FascinatingBruh
    Member since May 05, 2017

    You were banned automatically by our SiteBot for suspicious stats a year ago. We’ll review your case and get back to you. 

  • FascinatingBruh
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Reviewing your stats atm. Your case is re-opened so you can join 4DB protected servers.

  • FascinatingBruh
    Member since May 08, 2017

    KPM indeed seems to be inflated by the bolt action rifle usage. If you have issues with bans from individual server owners, show them this thread. High KPM on pistols is normal in your case, when the sniper doesn't kill in one shot and you finish the target of with a pistol, the damage and KPM will inflate. It takes only one bullet from the pistol to finish the target.

    Sorry for the inconvenience!