Is Friends BF4DB ?
Cheater confirmed all server KPM Automatic ban
I would like you to explain me kindly where I found it clean ... you know I do not know how to read the stats .... :D At least that's your friend
KPM isn't really a thing you can ban for. Can easily be boosted by switching between main and secondary weapon during times spent out of combat for example when running back from spawn
if you are sure to go ahead and protect it ... I'm not convinced for anything that's clean ..... good evening
I apologize if I have allowed you to open a post against your friend
It doesn't matter for me whether he is a friend of mine or not, KPM is not a thing you can base bans on as it is easily inflated by simple actions. Your report is valid and reasonable but we can't and won't ban him just because he has high kpms
Kills per minute is in de meeste gevallen geen goede indicator voor valsspelen.
De speler in kwestie heeft een whitelist omdat deze zeer vaak onterecht is aangegeven.
Ik zou het op prijs stellen als je in het Nederlands reageert.
this plugin
oh sure do as you believe while it is banned by all the servers that use this plugin
even if you are bf4db protected you are banned though... I have nothing else to add ...
Ik vroeg om een antwoord in het Nederlands.
Volgens mij ben jij niet EBassie.
If you are the real EBassie, reply in Dutch now. Thanks.
Ich kann nicht verstehen, ob du Witze machst oder nicht .. was möchtest du spielen?
You are not EBassie. Stop impersonating him.
Thread locked.