Fui banido no BF4 e gostaria de saber o motivo, Meu nick e DeathNuok11, so porque um player chorão me reportou ai voces me dão ban sem analisar minha gamer play antes?? gostaria de recorrer a esse ban.
Fui banido no BF4 e gostaria de saber o motivo, Meu nick e DeathNuok11, so porque um player chorão me reportou ai voces me dão ban sem analisar minha gamer play antes?? gostaria de recorrer a esse ban.
1. Você precisa reivindicar seu >Soldado
Veja como fazer AQUI
2. Veja as instruções de como fazer o apelo AQUI
3. Siga as instruções criando um novo tópico (new thread) AQUI com os detalhes do seu ban.
4. Se prefirir também pode ser fazer o apelo pelo discord do BF4DB. Lembre-se se vincular sua conta do discord com a conta do site.
bf4dB IS DEAD! Nobody from the administration comes here :(
bf4dB IS DEAD! Nobody from the administration comes here :(
An admin has already told you that BF4DB is not dead.
If I were them , I would probably don't share information with you.bf4dB IS DEAD! Nobody from the administration comes here :(
If I were them , I would probably don't share information with you. THE ADMINISTRATOR DIDN'T TELL ME. I reported a player with aimbot (video youtube) and I had to wait 5 days for reactions. It used to be for several minutes. That's why I think bf4db is dying. It's a pity because a very good service.bf4dB IS DEAD! Nobody from the administration comes here :(
Wrong section, if you wish to open an appeal, please follow those guides :