this is my account ID:51_Joker_L
i found my account was banned,but i never have any cheat,i just play with my friends on some Servers for get the guns,pls check ,thans.
If that is your profile, click the blue claim button. This way you can link your Battlelog to your 4DB page, which allows us to verify if the account is indeed yours.
yeah,it has been done
excuse me,how are things coming alone?
You are banned because of the HSKR with P226 and ACC with JNG-90.
If those stats result from kill-trading, you need to find those battlereports indicating that and post them in the appeal. Then we will review your case.
yeah,i found those stats result 4 years ago
1.the report of P226
and I work for others
2.the report of JNG-90
I work for others
Thanks for the cooperation. Nothing else suspicious found so far. Your ban will be lifted.
I highly suggest you stop doing kill-trading since it might trigger a Fairfight stat reset or ban. If this happened we would still ban your account.