• CheatReporter
    Member since May 07, 2017

    If a player is banned in BF3, do you guys also ban them here for BF4?

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 08, 2017

    No. Currently we only support BF4. That might change in the future though, but that is uncertain. Please read our ban policy for all the information about bans :) You can find a link in my signature.

  • CheatReporter
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 07, 2017

    What Hockey stated in another thread is that they will consider a BF3 ban as part of a pattern.  If someone is highly suspicious on BF4 but maybe teetering on the line, a BF3 Punkbuster ban might push 'em over the line.

    I'm not a big fan of said policy.  If someone is caught cheating in BF3 today, I want 'em booted out of BF4 as well--they are essentially the same game and anyone willing to cheat in BF3 today is willing to cheat in BF4.  On the other hand, if someone was caught 5 years ago cheating on BF3 and shows no signs of it since, I'm ok with letting it slide--it's hard to believe but some people really do learn from their mistakes and maybe even mature a little in 5 years.

    But I don't make the rules.

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 05, 2017

    The question becomes as to what would constitute using a BF3 ban to ban someone in BF4.  I can understand the vagueness of it, but it is less about being vague for the sake of being vague and more of what circumstances will come up that challenges the policy?  To date, I haven't seen anything that allows us to use a BF3 ban, but I have no issue implementing a ban from over five years ago if the players a turd.  See: Certain Helix players.  

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Punkbuster does not punish banned players in 2 different games - just metabans admin, 247Fairplay punish player ... would be illegal of 2 sites metabans.com, 247Fairplay Cheatdetector .. I would punish admins punishing for this .. Punkbuster is already providing this .. Admin abuse violation within a few months

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 05, 2017

    I added I've been banned some admin for mental madness punish players for no reason and these are metabans members ... http://evenbalance.com/faq.php  

    • For Admins  Coming soon.
  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 05, 2017


    Punkbuster does not punish banned players in 2 different games - just metabans admin, 247Fairplay punish player ... would be illegal of 2 sites metabans.com, 247Fairplay Cheatdetector .. I would punish admins punishing for this .. Punkbuster is already providing this .. Admin abuse violation within a few months

    Alex J
    This is why we haven't used a BF3 ban yet.  We thought long and hard about it, but it will be used in select cases where we feel that the player is a nuisance to future iterations of the Battlefield series.  I want to be clear that we have not banned anyone for a Battlefield 3 ban.  About the only way this could happen is based on extenuating circumstances we haven't come across yet.  I can't think of a good reason to do so, but we do know we will push a BF4 ban on certain players down the road.       

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 05, 2017

    To be clear, at this time the ONLY bans we're enforcing are BF4 bans. The only way we will begin to enforce BF3 and BF4 cross bans are IF we decide to add BF3 support to the site, which in all honesty is not likely. 

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 06, 2017


    Punkbuster does not punish banned players in 2 different games - just metabans admin, 247Fairplay punish player ... would be illegal of 2 sites metabans.com, 247Fairplay Cheatdetector .. I would punish admins punishing for this .. Punkbuster is already providing this .. Admin abuse violation within a few months


    bit of a necro, just read this and had to clear things up.

    It is not illegal to cross game ban for cheating, at PBBans we give the streaming admins the choice/option to use it in their control, EA also supplied the support in the first place to be able to cross game ban for these three games Medal of Honor Warfighter / Battlefield 3 / Battlefield 4.

    Also to correct you Metabans do NOT crossgame ban or globally ban players that's an admins decision who uses the service who then decides to add the player to both of their ban lists.

    Please stop trying to give the impression you are the AlexJ from Evenbalance in your posts I've read across this site, I know for a FACT you are not and it is giving players the wrong impression and misleading information when you type certain information in posts.



  • CheatReporter
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 05, 2017

    I have the impression that if a player has a linked account with  pbb/ggc ban for bf3 and are cheating in bf4 too, but there's no pbb/ggc ban for bf4 they should still be banned, because in my mind it's the account that's being banned, not the player and with the GUID's being the same for BF3/4 I find it quite fair for players having their account banned if they cheated in bf3

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 08, 2017