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  • trick3249
    Member since April 02, 2020

    So i'm going off the template i'm supposed to use:

    Soldier Name: trick3249

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile

    Have You Claimed Your SoldierYes

    Appeal:Ok so long story short, I was playing a match of Conquest on propaganda, so i'm sitting their, shooting what I believe was my SRAW at a tank and someone mentions me in the chat accusing me of hacking, I was confused, he links this website and now here I am. I read over the report, and replied back. I'm pretty sure I was banned because of my headshot rating being above average...I have many other battle reports you can look over!! My accuracy wasn't extremely high which one thing I can use in my defense (i've never been put in this situation before) I hate to admit it, but yes I was camping like an asshole and using an LMG with a bipod, which I know a lot of people hate...Thank you admin/moderators for taking your time to read this appeal, I really don't know any other battlefield I can play, because V is garbage, so please consider looking deeper into my profile, im innocent!! Sincerely, Trick



  • trick3249
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Food for thought:

    Blue text is going to make everyone either not read that, or hate you.

    You know DAMN well why you were banned. It was explained in your ban thread, and the evidence is quite clear.

    In case you’re struggling to read between the lines here,

    Appeal denied.

  • trick3249
    Member since April 02, 2020


    Food for thought:

    Blue text is going to make everyone either not read that, or hate you.

    You know DAMN well why you were banned. It was explained in your ban thread, and the evidence is quite clear.

    In case you’re struggling to read between the lines here,

    Appeal denied.

    Well sorry for the blue text, thought it would've looked nicer on this dark background, but is there no transparency whatsoever? I can prove to you my self that i'm not hacking, no one wants to explain what you guys look for when banning someone. If you guys can tell me, I'll try and show you where you're possibly wrong?

  • trick3249
    Member since April 02, 2020

    Can another person look into this please? I just want some kind of leniency, i wanna play the game that's all, this COVID-19 BS is happening and now this...
  • trick3249
    Member since January 04, 2018

    I looked into you appeal.

    That blue color is indeed horrendous and makes me hate you.


  • trick3249
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    I’m glad you’re going to use the pandemic that’s killing thousands as an excuse for needing leniency because YOU decided to cheat. Please tell me which paint flavor you chose to eat for breakfast, I want some of that shit.

  • trick3249
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Appeal denied a third time, because I know you’re going to do another one.