Soldier Name: trick3249
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes
Appeal:Ok so long story short, I was playing a match of Conquest on propaganda, so i'm sitting their, shooting what I believe was my SRAW at a tank and someone mentions me in the chat accusing me of hacking, I was confused, he links this website and now here I am. I read over the report, and replied back. I'm pretty sure I was banned because of my headshot rating being above average...I have many other battle reports you can look over!! My accuracy wasn't extremely high which one thing I can use in my defense (i've never been put in this situation before) I hate to admit it, but yes I was camping like an asshole and using an LMG with a bipod, which I know a lot of people hate...Thank you admin/moderators for taking your time to read this appeal, I really don't know any other battlefield I can play, because V is garbage, so please consider looking deeper into my profile, im innocent!!