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  • Observation
    Member since August 02, 2019

    Solder Name: ObservationPC


    Claimed Soldier?: Yes

    I looked up my origin name on here and some aek_nerd player got me banned saying i was damage modding and aimbotting, I dont cheat in this game never have. Also its impossible to damage mod on bf4 because of fairfight. I also only had 100 kills on lockers, most people on those servers are bad and dont understand that people can be better than them at a game. I had like 20 or so percent accuracy and a low headshot rate I dont understand why I am banned for a good game. Please reconsider and revoke this ban as I did nothing wrong. I do not have gameplay or videos from the game I was reported in as I don't feel the need to record all the time to prove im not cheating. Never had this issue before the guy is probably just upset. Anyways here are some of my other games.

  • Observation
    Member since January 04, 2018