PunkBuster Server: VIOLATION (WALLHACK) #69112: Essraw (slot #4) Violation (WALLHACK) #69112 [c6e3ef3b3567a1e87a73877943b28267(-) 31.208.89.xxx:3659]
This player has been banned by BF4DB and any game server protected by our anti-cheat plugin Reason: ESP/Dirty Screenshot
I left cheat engine open from using it in NFSMW, of course I should have closed it before opening BF4 but I forgot, please help!
Please claim your account so that your appeal can be processed by administrator.
To do so, search your player by using the research tool on the site, click on the profile and then the blue "claim" button. Follow then the procedure written.
Thank you, I have now claimed my profile.
Thank you, I have now claimed my profile.