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  • plugin
    Member since April 15, 2019

    Soldier Name: SkullBoyz97

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes


    Hi, this morning I found out that I was banned by a user who doesn't say the name.

    With the motivation of Aimbot, I do not understand how it is possible to say that I use tricks on my profile.

    I have been playing BF4 for years, PS3, PS4 and now on the new gaming PC. Always tried to improve and now that I use keyboard and mouse the responsiveness increases compared to a joypad.

    Is there also talk of camping here? If this is a problem I will not do it again.

    I hope someone reads this and has an answer.

    Thank you all

  • plugin
    Member since January 04, 2018

    This is the history of your latest battle reports.

    Before the 12/04/2019 your K/D is pretty low and your headshot per kill ratio (hspk) too. But suddenly you do rounds with 50 to 75% heashot per kill and rounds with kd above 2 or 3 as infantry.

    Rounds like this one have 72% of headshot per kill ratio with ACW-R which is impossible under normal conditions. 

    The 3 following rounds have abot 50% headshot per kill, it would be acceptable as it is with MK11 if the kill per minute wasn't above 3 :

    How do you explain your sudden boost of performance?

  • plugin
    Member since April 15, 2019

    aa but you are referring to the last plays, this weekend I was at friends' house, and having made matches together, this probably changed my style of play.
    I don't know how to prove that this is true ... a video? other? it seems impossible to me that for this reason I was banned by the majority of the servers: /

  • plugin
    Member since January 04, 2018

    Playing at your friend's suddenly made you a BF4 god? Damn I should hang out with my buddies more then.

  • plugin
    Member since April 15, 2019

    a God? aiai I only said that we had a couple of games each, don't be ironic

  • plugin
    Member since April 15, 2019

    can this be solved?

    i'm looking for server on server to try me with a video but everything gets me out of everyone, it's not possible ..

  • plugin
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    You must record a round, from loading screen to end of game. At least 720p (60fps preferred). NO background music or outside sound (YouTube, radio in background, etc). You must replicate the stats of this battle report:

    You have 72 hours from now (0740 Eastern) to record and upload the gameplay as well as post the link to the battle report. Failure to do so will result in automatic denial. Your ban has been suspended to allow you to play on BF4DB servers during this timeframe. 

  • plugin
    Member since January 04, 2018

    By replicating stats Sovereign_Skies means the K/D (around 3), the KPM (around 3), the HSPK (around 72%), kill per hit and accuracy.

    Also use the same weapon. It is strongly recommended to record the round in the same map and same game mode (Hainan on Conquest, normal).

    You can go at your friends to record if you wish, just keep the same account.

    Good luck.

  • plugin
    Member since April 15, 2019

    yes yes now i run right away from my friend !! Hah..

  • plugin
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Video will never come

    Appeal Denied