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  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since April 28, 2019

    Soldier Name: Ev0luti0nX              ([R4YL] Ev0luti0nX)
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier:Yes
    Appeal: Ich verfasse es diesmal auf Deutsch weil mein Englisch nicht so besonders ist ich hoffe das dieser Thread nicht gelöscht wird da ich ein erneuten Versuch jetzt starte den Ban hier Aufzuheben, habe extra mal ein Video auf youtube Hochgeladen um es zu zeigen wie ich spiele und das ich absolut kein Hacker bin kann gerne noch weitere Videos vorlegen wenn es Gewünscht ist.ich kann verstehen das jeder hier absolut sein job ernst nimmt und Cheater verbannt nur es handelt sich in meinem Fall wirklich um einen Fehler und ich wurde hier zu unrecht Grund " Aimbot" gebannt es ging um eine HSK 27 /29 (AEK) was auf Siege of Schanghai in Battlefield 4 überhaupt kein problem darstellt wenn man sich wie in meinem Fall an den Aufzügen aufhält, hoffe das es nochmal ein gutes ende nimmt und es wird nochmal neu beraten wenn ihr einblick auf mein Video hattet.

    Link zum Video auf YouTube

    Video endet bei 18.18min da am 5.05.2019 gegen 18 Uhr Origin Probleme Auftraten

    Battlelog Report von der Runde

    Danke im Vorraus

    Ev0luti0nX (Andre)

  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Not close to any of the battlereports that caused your ban. Isn't worth to review the video.

  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since April 28, 2019

    ok if the thread will be open for the next days i try to get the same results that was in the battlereport which caused my ban 

    the 27/29 HSK was made by camping the elevators at C on siege of shanghai tower 

    so please give me the chance to show that i'm no Hacker

     ( sorry my English is bad )

  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since April 28, 2019

    sorry for the double post 

  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Please replicate the scenario and record the full game in a minimal resolution of 720p preferably 60fps. Upload to YT, post the link here together with the report. Do not cut or edit the footage. Your ban will be lifted for 72h so you can record.

  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since April 28, 2019

    this video shows AEK Gameplay with many headshots 33 Headshots from 51 kills overall hope this is enough evidence. if not i can make more videos of me playing if you want. 



    here is a second battle battle report 

    the video for this one is not uploaded yet it needs a few hours to upload due to 1 Hour Playtime of the video

    if need i can upload it and post it aswell

  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since August 31, 2017

    How can u get 41% acc. shooting at the head if you don't know how to control recoil, doesn't make sense.


    2.2 bullets per kill on a normal server?

  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since January 22, 2019

    the video he has sent at the beginning was in TDS server in he was like any normal player, maybe less than normal i can say, the second report he was trying hard to get heads, however his behaviors in other servers (where he didnt record) were completely different as Russao said you can play hard to get some headshots but your accuracy wont be the same as if you were playing with an aimbot, in this report he has 26 HS of 26 kills with aek with 41% acc  
    i would love to see one video (fullgame) of him having 26 headshots and max 32 kills instead of 26 with acc no less than 29% instead of 41%, do this and you will not get banned in TDS servers (i will ask admins for that).
    thank you very much bf4db for lifting the ban so he can record.
  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since October 18, 2017

    Hate to post in someone else's appeal but I was gonna report this dude and saw that it was "investigating". Since i cant PM mods anymore i didnt know what else to do.

    In this video he has a very peculiar tic... Whenever he is startled by an enemy he attempts to shoot but ends up jumping at the same time... messing up his shot. It's almost as if he is spamming a button bound close to his jump button for some "unknown reason"...

    Here are some examples of the behavior in question.

  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since August 31, 2017

    sry, double post.
  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since August 31, 2017

    Hate to post in someone else's appeal but I was gonna report this dude and saw that it was "investigating". Since i cant PM mods anymore i didnt know what else to do.

    In this video he has a very peculiar tic... Whenever he is startled by an enemy he attempts to shoot but ends up jumping at the same time... messing up his shot. It's almost as if he is spamming a button bound close to his jump button for some "unknown reason"...

    Here are some examples of the behavior in question.


    Yeah, this is interesting, but funny enough this also happens to me, but not as often as in this video, from time to time, when I ads, my character in game does a little jump, so it happens enough to make me remember, I dunno why this happen, the only thing different I have is that I set both left and right keys to look to the right and to the left, so when I am AFK, I put something over one of these keys to keep my character spinning, so I don't get kicked by IDLE, I also have one of my mouse buttons to look to the right,  the little one at the top of my mouse, the default setting is to change DPI, but I changed that to look to the right, so this one I use to spin after I kill some1, but different from him, when I ads and my character jumps, I do not get a headshot, it fuck up my aim and I get killed, I hate when this happen.

  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since April 28, 2019

    seems like you guys can't read rules of this site only Admins and me are allowed to post in this Thread

    and for the Jumping you see in the Video it happens when you try to shoot and jump at the same time.

    so in the future if you guys have something to post go and contact the Admins of this site and read rules first i'm tired of all the Hackussations against me

    i showed alot of Footage of me Playing BF4 to show everyone i'm not a Hacker Cheater or whatever you call it.

    here the Rule for you again:

    The only people permitted to post in ban appeals are the original author, and BF4DB staff. Any other posts will be deleted. If you have proof of the individual in question cheating, please contact a member of staff privately on Discord with the proof and we'll add it to the case. Thank you for your understanding!

  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since October 18, 2017

    I dont get it... is this guy innocent... has he just been given a pass? Is he now just perpetually investigating? 

    Sorry for posting here again... but I need to know... this is just gnawing away at my mind.

  • Ev0luti0nX
    Member since May 05, 2017

    We’re reviewing. Takes a bit longer when we have a lot of footage to review and other reports/data. Thanks for the understanding. 

  • Ev0luti0nX
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    The video doesn't replicate the performance exhibiting as aimbot

    Appeal Denied