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  • AxEg
    Member since July 14, 2019

    Soldier Name: axeggg_jj
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.
    Appeal: Hello once again. I saw changes in ban policy. And I want to save my main account... So, as I said before my main account (axeggg_jj) got banned due to ban of my purchased twink (Tyranica). I have bought this acc (and many others) in order to play at the LEV server (read my previous appeal ). But these accounts we`re selled not to me only (here is proof that I`m not the owner of this account link It`s password is changed by it`s owner so noone can use it again.). Anyway, where`s the logick? I spent my time to capture gameplay, write appeal and succesfully appeal the report link and RIGHT AFTER THAT im going to use cheats on my twink that`s linked to main acc and other twinks to ban all of them?? There`s no logick. You can checks the IP`s and stuff because When Tyranica got banned it`s have been used by another person who bought this accout too. Account sellers selling the same accounts several times to different people until they stop working (password is changed or they just get ban like Tyranica). So, I wasn`t using Tyranica when it`s got banned, it was another person who was cheating. Hope you will understand me..

  • AxEg
    Member since July 14, 2019

    And more, I do not advertise the purchased accounts. You put yourself at risk by buying them

  • AxEg
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Appeal approved. As cheating occurred on Tyranica, that account will remained banned. The other accounts have been lifted. Please make sure you obtain new accounts from reputable sources in the future to prevent issues with our service going forward.