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  • Catermelon20_
    Member since May 01, 2020

    Hello, I recently noticed I was banned from servers on Battlefield 4. At first I was confused on why I kept getting a :"kicked by admin" page pop up but then realized my account was hacked. A while ago my account was hacked and the name was changed to something like BEVER_0194. I did not realize my account was hacked at the time because I was not playing origin games. I only realized my account was banned when I went to get a twitch prime drop and saw my origin account had the password and email changed. I quickly contacted support at ea to resolve this issue and get my account back. Fast forward to this week I decided I wanted to play battlefield 4. I am a very new battlefield 4 player. I only played battlefield 4 a little bit when I fist purchased it. When I logged on I noticed my level and kills were way higher than I remembered it. I tried to join different servers to play battlefield 4 but i kept getting kicked. about an hour ago I put in an appeal to a server thinking I was banned directly by the server but they directed me to here and said my account was banned by the anti cheat client. I would appreciate it if you could help me get unbanned, considering someone else was hacking on my account without my consent. Thank you.

  • Catermelon20_
    Member since January 04, 2018