Soldier Name : SlicingBullet
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Hello I wanted to appeal a ban that was handed to me a couple of days ago, I don't know how to specifically link the battle reports of that game that day but here is my bf4stats page Also I don't know if this matter but the user who originally reported me with the video was getting fairly mad at me due to the fact me and my squad was constantly camping on F mainly shooting him down or trying to get meme kills. He obviously died too my magnum in the first clip but I think in general he was just pretty salty over the whole situation. Ban video im talking about with this being the battlelog I think
Before I continue, those profiles below aren't familiar to you?Soldier Name : SlicingBullet
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile :
Have you Claimed Your Soldier :Yes
Hello I wanted to appeal a ban that was handed to me a couple of days ago, I don't know how to specifically link the battle reports of that game that day but here is my bf4stats page Also I don't know if this matter but the user who originally reported me with the video was getting fairly mad at me due to the fact me and my squad was constantly camping on F mainly shooting him down or trying to get meme kills. He obviously died too my magnum in the first clip but I think in general he was just pretty salty over the whole situation. Ban video im talking about with this being the battlelog I think
Friends with Lazysanta and those other accounts are one he owns specifically
Before I continue, those profiles below aren't familiar to you?Soldier Name : SlicingBullet
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile :
Have you Claimed Your Soldier :Yes
Hello I wanted to appeal a ban that was handed to me a couple of days ago, I don't know how to specifically link the battle reports of that game that day but here is my bf4stats page Also I don't know if this matter but the user who originally reported me with the video was getting fairly mad at me due to the fact me and my squad was constantly camping on F mainly shooting him down or trying to get meme kills. He obviously died too my magnum in the first clip but I think in general he was just pretty salty over the whole situation. Ban video im talking about with this being the battlelog I think
also not including the video only was about 12 seconds long even though 1 minute long evidence would be considered enough
We switched alot since we usually had a couple of friends who didn't have bf4 themselvesDid you share accounts with him?
We switched alot since we usually had a couple of friends who didn't have bf4 themselvesDid you share accounts with him?