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  • HackHunter
    Member since September 25, 2018

    Hallo dear Admins

    The problem on the BF4DB is that you have no possibility to report allegde clean player for cheating or/and suspious account. One example is Misterelegante ( ) and Misseselegante ( ).

    This player have very high and unbelievable HSKR with 7 weapons and so on. On Battlelog he has a Kill-Series of 110 and a Nemesis series of 110 too. and she has the same suspious account. Sorry but his account for example is so suspious that it stinks after a hack and it could be linked ACC. So the problem is that the player is marked as clean for whatever reason. The other player has no chance and no there is no possibility for server with BF4DB ban mechanism. There are a lot other examples where the people are clean but after that they begin to hack or they have hardcore suspious accounts and you have no chance to report them.

    Please help us to make this game for a better place with more fair player.

    Thank Admin for your help and your time.

  • HackHunter
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    He was boosting kills, not cheating

  • HackHunter
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Also this forum is for reporting players who are marked as clean:

  • HackHunter
    Member since September 25, 2018


    He was boosting kills, not cheating


    boosting ? what kind of boosting could it be ? with the most of his weapons ?

  • HackHunter
    Member since September 25, 2018


    Also this forum is for reporting players who are marked as clean:


    Thnak u very much buddy ... i didnt know that ... thnx for advise

  • HackHunter
    Member since September 25, 2018


    He was boosting kills, not cheating


    That is no boosting ... 110 kill series and 110 kill nemesis ... and all that weapons HSKR ... ban him pls for suspious account ... its not normal

  • HackHunter
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 16, 2018



    He was boosting kills, not cheating


    That is no boosting ... 110 kill series and 110 kill nemesis ... and all that weapons HSKR ... ban him pls for suspious account ... its not normal

    You hop on an empty server with a friend who lets you kill him 100 times so you get the unlocks.  Like this:

  • HackHunter
    Member since September 25, 2018




    He was boosting kills, not cheating


    That is no boosting ... 110 kill series and 110 kill nemesis ... and all that weapons HSKR ... ban him pls for suspious account ... its not normal

    You hop on an empty server with a friend who lets you kill him 100 times so you get the unlocks.  Like this:


    Thank you for your answer but you saw his BF4DB Stats about his weapons  ?  his account  so suspouis and his results are falsified. sorry sir but that is not normal and not only he is only playing on ribbon hunter server

  • HackHunter
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 16, 2018

    These stats are the output of boosting, if you don't have additional evidence the player will stay clean. 

  • HackHunter
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    You are as dense as a pistachio shell.

    They were "boosting", "stat padding", "trade killing", "brush gun". These are the many different names people have for when someone - 2 or more people - jump into an empty server and kill one another to unlock attachments or achievements.

    The "nemesis" kill streak you keep referring to is evident by STAT PADDING. He killed the same person, in the same server 110 times.

    If you have any new evidence that is not the rainbow-colored stats on BF4DB, such as a video or a battle report where they achieve suspicious stats report in the above-mentioned forum category.