Damage Mod and at least sometimes aimbot.
68:8, 59 from AEK, 8 or 9 from handguns, 0 HS ribbons, 183 hits. That's .37 kills/hit. He shouldn't get more than about .25 from that, or .35 if every non-AEK kill was a one-shot, but that can't be since he has no HS ribbons and was using handguns when he wasn't using the AEK. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/906449926622065472/999158567/
86:14, 85 from SAR21, 27-29HS, 204 hits. That's .42 kills/hit vs max .35 possible. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/906009071536732800/999158567
17:1, 17 from Groza-1, 0HS ribbons, 43 hits. That's .40 kills/hit vs .34 possible. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/906052604348956096/999158567
55:11, 50 from SAR21, 24HS, 114 hits for .48 kills/hit vs .43 possible. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/905958075226837696/999158567
61:12, 57 from AK12, 35HS, 133 hits for .46 kills/hit vs .45 possible and 57% HSK. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/905952086545060544/999158567
And then there are multiple BR's like this one, where he has 1 kill per hit from sniper rifles, yet doesn't manage 100% headshots... 10 kills, 10 hits, 1 HS ribbon: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/906431817509024576/999158567
Brought to my attention by a combination of his in-game stats and players complaining...
[06:13:29] XXXXXXXXXX > fuckin damage hacker bernardooggPlayers pegged it.
Reason: Suspicious Stats
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