This player has been previously reported but was not banned. If you have new evidence to submit against this player, please open a ticket on our Discord server.

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  • Battlefieldlife
    Member since 5 years ago
    Reasons for reporting TBGxFASTx

    Multihack, Punkbuster, GGC

    Report #1
    Additional Information

    Heya, folks! Hope you're all having an adventure!

      I've always played on TBG servers, especially their "LOCKER ONLY" server. Gotta' admit, lockers the best map. Haha.

     We all know TBG (Or at least most of us do) and how strict they are towards cheating/hacking. I've played with TBGxFASTx before and frankly I did suspect him and few other did as well but ya' know he's like the shot within the clan so nobody really says anything. However, few people did notice how when the server was being spectated the end game stats for him come out to be normal like 50-13 or 80-40. Plausible stats for a rank 140, nothing much to say, but when there isnt any spectator he goes 150 kills - 10 deaths which raises qualm. But again, every ones afraid to make any accusations.

     I was playing a game few hours ago in locker where he was also playing he ought to be normal except the pre-fires I encountered with him every time he killed me, after the game I proceeded to stay and play another game and someone in the chat box was saying he got banned by PBbans or GGC which had everyone curious. Some were saying it was a false ban or a mistake, others were saying his account was compromised or it was  false news, so I decided to look him up. Following few searched I came accross this:

    Tried looking him up on PBbans and couldnt perceive anything. 

    I've told few people and we all had questions concerning how it was possible, also that he seemed to be legit.

    I mean, I've found players who have ranked 1-140 with cheats by keeping it low. Maybe he kept it low and now that his cheatengine or w/e it is he used is detected? Maybe? 

    Anyway, bf4db team take a look? 

  • TheNotoriousDoge
    Member since 7 years ago

    Any PB violation raised after 2/1/2018 cannot be used as ban reason as you can read in the thread I linked above. At best violations will serve as supportive evidence but without any base evidence I cannot issue a ban on this player.

  • TheNotoriousDoge
    Member since 7 years ago


    This player has been cleared by BF4DB

    Reason: No Proof Provided

    This thread is now closed

    TBGxFASTx Battlelog Ban Policy