Aimbotting and wallhacking his ass off. Looks like a stolen userid, or perhaps he just decided the only way he wasn't going to suck at the game was to cheat.
I even have him in chat logs agreeing to disable the aimbot, then getting ticked off and turning it back on (and stating such), though that doesn't constitute proof.
20171120_chat.log:[02:32:18] Benton2233 > ah ill turn em off
20171120_chat.log:[02:33:06] Benton2233 > that was legit
20171120_chat.log:[02:33:32] Benton2233 > i mean it wasnt insta kill was it?
20171120_chat.log:[02:33:36] Benton2233 > thats how you know theyre off
20171120_chat.log:[02:34:34] Benton2233 > ok ill turn them on again
Reason: Aimbot
This thread is now closed
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