24 hours remaining.
None of your latest games come any close to the stats you are banned for. Neither does the gameplay footage show that you are any near capable of ever reaching those stats without downloaded skill.
Do you want to continue for those few remaining hours? Or can I deny your appeal now?
You got 22h left.
I can't!
Why can't you just unlock me?I do not cheat I repeat!I'm just a regular player!At that time I did well because I was sitting all day playing!I can't concentrate right now!I'm running out of time I'm worried!
I'm afraid to lose my new account!
I'm afraid to lose my new account!
Пожалуйста, приятель, позволь мне играть нормально!Я обещаю!Меня здесь больше не будет!А если выяснится, я обращатся к тебе не буду спрашивать:зачем забанели меня!
unlock bro please
unlock bro please
Ehh!Sake of account I tell!(((