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  • PallaDiiN_Odoii
    Member since August 02, 2019

    Hello Admin, i got 3 reports cause i had many headshots in 3 games? First of all its easy with the USTAS when the enemys laying on the ground on Spind war, why shouldnt i take the headshots ? More points, means faster level up. You need 1-2 shots on the head with the tank. When they are headglitching in one spot, what else should i do? Shoot through the Wall? Look at my other stats. Why should i "aimbot" my headshots only in 3 games? Why should i hack in 3 games? The only thing that is supspicous is my headshotrate with the USTAS, its understandable thats it weird. But i popped off one round, one special round on spind.  I just came after 2 months and wanted to play on my favourite servers, but thats not possible anymore. You can watch any other game from my rounds, my aim is nothing special (sometimes its good when im concentrated cause of csgo)

  • PallaDiiN_Odoii
    Member since January 04, 2018