• thegrizz72
    Member since May 05, 2017

    This is just my 2 cents on this subject and not trying to start a chat war. I believe that no one is above the law and I think that certain whitelisted people with very suspicious stats should be no different than anyone else. What the whitelist  is doing is making some people believe that certain people can't be touched because they are protected. If a person posts a suspicious player in here and sees that he is whitelisted what do you think he/she is going to think. What 100% proof do you have that he is clean.If you do have this 100% proof then maybe share it with the person who reported him/her.If the person who did the reporting thinks something is not right with BF4DB then they will go to the BF4 forums and post and you know that will get that idiot that's been posting in there more ammunition to rage about and then others will join him.I for 1 believe in you guys and have seen how fair you can be when it comes to statpadding.So keep up the good work and I hope i haven't started any trouble, thank you.

  • thegrizz72
    Member since May 05, 2017

    No you haven't started any trouble and I appreciate your feedback.

    This Whitelist flag has already been a topic we talked about and wanted to change the way we managed it however I will discuss this with the rest of BF4DB's staff team again in a private area and we will come up with a solution to the "issue" we are currently facing because of this flag.

    Our intention behind the whitelist flag was to "protect" certain players who are at a relatively high risk of getting mass reported once in a while. The old BF4DB was facing the same issue where a few people just kept on spam reporting one and the same player trying to get him banned eventhough there was nowhere near enough sufficient evidence validating a ban. This was set up to make the life of above average players easy aswell as our own job we do here at BF4DB. We get tons of reports every day that we manually have to go through, review an process and we definitely can renounce 50 reports made against one player because he is exceptionally good. Many players that we whitelisted eversince the site went online are known to our staff team either because they are friends of ours, family members or just people we are surrounded with and sure of their innocence.

    My personal opinion on the whitelist flag is that it should be reserved for BF4DB staff only. Having the community's admins/operators whitelisted shouldn't be as big of an issue for others than random whitelists launching random players some have never heard of up to a position where they are immune to reports. Basically the whitelist flag is just a better looking version of the "clean" flag. Literally does the same but it seems to have an other effect on site users. We will definitely figure something out for it.

    Best regards,


  • thegrizz72
    Member since May 05, 2017

    The Whitelisted flag was previously "Verified Pro", and has evolved to where it is now. That being said, no one is "above the law" and if sufficient evidence is presented that warrants a ban, we will immediately revoke the whitelist flag and issue a ban. 

    As mentioned by MXT, many of those whitelisted are personally known to us and all of them are clean. We do periodically review everyone flagged as whitelisted to make sure none were issued in error. There have been a few cases where we've revoked the flag as it was issued on accident. 

    Thanks for the feedback, and we'll discuss it internally some more to see what we can do to improve the situation. 

  • thegrizz72
    Member since May 09, 2017

    Is this in reference to the "clean" flag at the beginning of the rounds? If so, I actually like that feature a whole lot for the reasons stated by MXT. Verified pro sounds cooler for sure though.

  • thegrizz72
    Member since May 05, 2017

    No, this was about a certain player flagged as whitelisted when someone was checking him on bf4db. This certain player did have some suspicious stats especially the 241 kill streak. Maybe a stat pad i do not know. I was just thinking it could be handled a little differently than having a whitelist. No big deal. Just didn't want bf4db to get bad mouthed in the bf4 forums. I respect what these guys do and appreciate it.