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  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Member since October 13, 2019

    Has been preaiming all game long, shadowplay corrupted my other recording.
    Still have this one (give YT a sec to process QHD hehe) :

    Saw that he allready had a report before, but without proof.

    BF4DB Profile link:

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Thank you for submitting a report. Our staff will review your supplemental evidence and report back with their findings, as well as any questions if they have any. Thank you!

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 18, 2019

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Member since October 13, 2019

    Will do the next time, sorry for the inconvenience :)

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Member since October 13, 2019

    any update on a verdict? 

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Member since June 26, 2019

    not part of the staff or anything, but as i "know" the accused i want to participate X) .
    0:07 when he shot for the 3rd time he "corrected" his crosshair into nothing, his 2 previous shots where almost hited the exact same spot on the ennemy while he was still going up stairs.
    same goes for 0:14 , at first it seems like he's going for the support who's spotted, and he starts by locking onto him, then i assume the recon spawned on the support and he locks onto him too, even tracking him through the wall (once again, pay attention to when he unaim, the micro adjustments he do for no reasons)
    0:33 pre aim and fire (+micro adjustments) then hold  up his aim again, and when straffing left-right his aim is locked on someone : rds not moving. Once again 0.25 shows he's beeing shot at from that exact spot, he just chooses not to fire, as if he was just too dumb to notice that his cheat locked his aim on someone he couldnt see
    0:45 only one of the blue team have a laser, my immediate reaction when i see a laser through a smoke would be to fire right at it, or ignoring it to stay more stealthy, not to go for a spotted player which i could only roughly know the position of + i like how he tracks the second player without any LoS , not counting the smoke he keep tracking the dude through a wall, even firing at him. 

    As if something or someone was helping him all along this gameplay :kappa:

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Is there any more video? 

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Member since October 13, 2019


    Is there any more video? 

    nope unfortunately lost my previous footage, shadowplay was acting up.
    I'll provide more if necessary if i see him again.

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Member since October 13, 2019

     Additional evidence as i caught him again 

    Watch how he aimlocks constantly through smoke and people behind walls by accident.
    He uses the kind of aimbot that doesn't snap on the target but gradually moves his cursor towards the enemy, i've seen aimbot cases like these several times.

    Everytime he accidently aimlocked behind a wall someone appeared after.
    and he got a few guys without laser sights, no spotting through quite thick smoke.

    Video 1:

    Video 2:

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    We found an account he had in 2016 that was fairfight reset. Banned now, thanks

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Member since June 26, 2019

    Funny when you know how much vince is hackusating everyone in-game lol

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 18, 2019


    Funny when you know how much vince is hackusating everyone in-game lol

    Its most likely those ppl.. everytime someone cries about someone cheating i check both of them.. the hackusating ppl are most likely some massive noobs that seriously cant tell the difference between "good" and "cheat", so they tend to install cheats, since everyone is cheating anyway..

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Member since October 13, 2019


    We found an account he had in 2016 that was fairfight reset. Banned now, thanks

    Thankyou appreciate the work, have a nice day guys!


    Funny when you know how much vince is hackusating everyone in-game lol

    He did the same thing hackusating someone else constantly while he was hacking himself, quite sad.
    But it's our jobs as admins to get rid of these people and report them here so they don't ruin the experience for other players elsewhere.

  • [SiC]FinalLight-NL
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 18, 2019



    We found an account he had in 2016 that was fairfight reset. Banned now, thanks

    Thankyou appreciate the work, have a nice day guys!


    Funny when you know how much vince is hackusating everyone in-game lol

    He did the same thing hackusating someone else constantly while he was hacking himself, quite sad.
    But it's our jobs as admins to get rid of these people and report them here so they don't ruin the experience for other players elsewhere.

    What i dont get is that so many servers in my area dont use any anticheat plugin, so their servers get farmed by cheater like everyday.. and clearly there are no admins playing as well.. :/