I warned him he'd be banned but insisted it was "PTFO". unfortunately, my obs was messing up so please excuse my phone video.
please see - Video @ https://youtu.be/yb1cNahPpYM
and also thread posts @ https://bf4db.com/player/ban/1004434439737
Dear Wrangbump or KRNG, do either of you have longer videos of this to prove he was staying there on purpose and killing multiple people?
I think the two videos you provided would be enough, but if you happened to have longer ones please add it to the report I made on his profile to ensure we get him.
Here is the thread if you have further video evidence - https://bf4db.com/player/ban/1004434439737
My Ingame name is WellWellSC, I just reported -zfadarkness- at the time, if I have any extensive video proof it's in that thread. I know that both zfa and keyboard were banned a couple days ago as well, but as I said in my first thread, my recording software was down and all I could get was my phone. I'll talk to a couple people and see if they have any evidence, but from what I know of, that's all.Dear Wrangbump or KRNG, do either of you have longer videos of this to prove he was staying there on purpose and killing multiple people?
I think the two videos you provided would be enough, but if you happened to have longer ones please add it to the report I made on his profile to ensure we get him.
Here is the thread if you have further video evidence - https://bf4db.com/player/ban/1004434439737
I actually also saw this, I was on BnC at the time.
EDIT: Oh looking at the video, it was a different time than that, same player.
Please see: https://bf4db.com/player/ban/1004434439737
it seems to sum it up there, with video links of kill and glitching .. he seems to amassed quite the following
This has been under investigation quite a while, in Two long threads , Is there an update on this? (pardon the double post)
RE: Glitching
1) https://youtu.be/yb1cNahPpYM (video showing Glitching )
2) https://streamable.com/lznh7 (video showing intentional kill while glitching)
3) https://bf4db.com/forum/thread/ucavgod-elevator-glitch-5149 (LARGE additional forum thread for same issue/player)
4) Admission of Glitching - QUOTE: "I have only killed you once in that spot,..." (from his first reply to this thread above)
5) Very active Threads, multiple players involved.