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  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 07, 2017

    Upon looking at your servers page, I can only see 2 servers running your plugin. Is this right?

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 23, 2017

    So dunno if it is true but plugin unstable and not supported unix systems. Even on Windows experienced problems with the lagging of Procon.

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 05, 2017

    There currently is a growing issue in both the north american but also the european community. People got their hands onto a tool that enables them to crash servers. Because of this problem and the fact that they target certain servers (including servers that stream to BF4DB due to their ban on our site) we decided to remove every other server that is streaming to us, but isn't owned by BF4DB staff.

    I won't tell any numbers but we do have more than 2 servers streaming to us!


    So dunno if it is true but plugin unstable and not supported unix systems. Even on Windows experienced problems with the lagging of Procon.

    We are currently beta testing a new plugin build that improves stability, compatibility with other procon plugins and supports linux mono.

  • CheatReporter
    Member since June 17, 2017

    Staffnote; No advertisement of other 3rd party anti-cheat streams!

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 05, 2017

    We chose to use a plugin because that way we can provide more player data to our users in our future history tool than any pb based stream could provide. We support Official servers aswell.

    Another reason for a plugig is that we can give the admins more flexibility concerning ban enforcement. If other 3rd party Punkbuster based streams ban someone your server will enforce the ban no matter what you do. With a plugin we can implement check boxes into the plugin settings giving you the decision whether you want to enfore the entire banlist or only those for hacking and glitching etc.

    TL;DR we have reasons why we chose a plugin instead of a pb based stream!

  • CheatReporter
    Member since June 17, 2017

    Staffnote; No advertisement of other 3rd party anti-cheat streams!

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 05, 2017

    This is not the right place for you to advertise other 3rd party streams. If you feel like ACI fits you more than we currently do go ahead and stream to them but don't advertise on our forums.

    We have a history tool however it currently is online for staff only because we are optimizing and improving it to launch it for public users and server admins.

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Thead author's question was answered,

    /Thread closed.

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 23, 2017


    Staffnote; No advertisement of other 3rd party anti-cheat streams!

    Hey man. Leave and dont ads other anticheat systeam. As i know your advertised 3rd party anti-cheat stream cant enforce hackers after a ban so they can join to your official server again for a while ;) If you dont know anything about BF4DB so just leave man and stop blah blah blah! BF4DB was and will be #1 anticheat systeam, which is so hated by cheaters.

  • CheatReporter
    Member since May 05, 2017

    We started off with a plugin however we are developing additional streaming services as well if the admins don't want to use a plugin. 

    The new version of the plugin is in closed beta, adding additional ability to run it on Linux and mono. 

    Lastly, we don't advertise ourselves on other anti-cheat sites and we'd appreciate it if you didn't advertise other anti-cheat sites here. You're welcome to use whatever you like as at the end of the day we're all on the same team fighting against hackers.