I ll speak about this guy - http://prntscr.com/lh1at1 - https://bf4db.com/player/781234789 aka Rus voron, his another one account - https://bf4db.com/player/1039214056
Rus voron banned for linked acc Psixiator, but St-Voevoda not banned. St Voevoda linked to rus voron, idk why riotranz didnt ban him after a report. St voevoda marked as clean, but what i see on RGT with Web admin? http://prntscr.com/lh1bx0 same ips, link into "linked accounts"
And yes, this guy after a cheating on more then 4-5 accs did some smart moves like changing ips) So another 2-3 or 3 accs not linked and all with his banned
Just because accounts have the same IPs does not mean they are linked.
However, we've reviewed the links and I agree that these two accounts are linked.
Please check this acc https://bf4db.com/player/342214849
99.9% thats him
You can report that account the appropriate way.