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  • SnarrDarr
    Member since July 10, 2019

    Hello, I've put a ban appeal a week ago (I haven't posted another one in there because of the rules in order to reply to the mods), I couldn't record a video for the reason that I had gotten hit by a vehicle like a day I shared that, I can share the hospital reports of my incident to as proof. I was wondering if there was any idea I can still appeal once I recover? I ask this because I haven't been up to playing games do to my incident do to the pain. So is there any way I could extend the investigation?

    As said, I am willing to show proof since that I can agree, this does sound like a big excuse or a freak accident to be true.

  • SnarrDarr
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Sure submit a new appeal once you have recovered. Make sure to reference that thread in your appeal.