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  • vzn_mstr
    Member since February 18, 2019

    Played a few matches with this guy earlier and he consistently had a high K/D at the end [61-0, 38-0 38-3], and his overall is [at the moment of typing] 11.07. A few people started calling him out initially but I just brushed it off as saltiness. Until he spotted and killed me around a corner at the beginning of a match of Shanghai. I had spawned around the building, didnt move within line of sight of anyone [including the chopper] and yet he still seemed to know where I was right off the bat. So I left, rejoined and spectated him [video included]. It's not blatantly obvious [at least to me] but he does seem to have an uncanny knack for spotting enemy players and taking them out with the autocannon at a higher TTK than is normal.

    247 Stats

    Also, thanks for all you guys do!

  • vzn_mstr
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    If you need to report a player, report them on their profile.

    This is for players marked as "CLEAN" only.

  • vzn_mstr
    Member since October 30, 2017


    By the way, I'm pretty sure that is a smurf account.