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  • Legend1466
    Member since July 21, 2018

    Both vids are full proofs, no need for another

    First video shows that infantries can't destroy it.

    First vid testing the damage (download please for max quality)

    Second one shows team attempt to destroy it. Even tanks and AA and LAV can't destroy. When I died, you see that orange color is missing to show players. I once went with jeep to attempt with C4 and it disappeared.

    Second vid (download please for max quality)

    I would suggest to unmark this player as "clean" or/and make the player unable to join any BF4DB server with ban, even though it happened in a russian server neglected by admin.

    Later all got disconnected from the server suddenly and the server disappeared from search.

    P.S. Imgur and YT is too mainstream

  • Legend1466
    Member since May 08, 2017

    For security reasons we do not download stuff. Video's are required to be uploaded to YT. 

    Furthermore the player has already been banned, more video's are always nice to have though. You can sent me the YT link via pm. 

    Next report please use the searchbar on the homepage to find players. If you found the profile, there is a red report button which leads to a textbox where the evidence can be put in.