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  • 2Clint2
    Member since August 14, 2018

    Hello there. 

    This player was removed by the punkbuster in our server. I had reported and he was set "clean" in the judge with "clean stats". 

    Stats of course is clean but is a cheater dotted by the punkbuster. 


    Please, do write a good motive to keep this player clean or do a review. 

    thank's for your good service.


  • 2Clint2
    Member since January 04, 2018

    Hi 2Clint2,

    Verdict wasn't a mistake, there are two reasons why I set the player to clean :

    - First of all BF4DB stopped enforcing PunkBuster violations (violations raised since 1/2/2018), you may read about it here. PunkBuster violations are now taken as additionnal evidence but alone they do not justify for a ban.

    - Second point, the ban here is a global ban, so it doesn't matter that much if BF4DB doesn't enforce it, the player shouldn't be able to join any server. If he can then the ban isn't here anymore.

    Please understand that a global ban can be triggered by things that aren't necessarily a cheat, so I won't have him BF4DB banned if I don't have any other kind of evidence on this player. That's why I put "clean stats".

    Hope I gave you satisfying answer.

  • 2Clint2
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017