hello i got banned/perm kicked from JAH metro server because my hskr is way too high with aek and almost all the other guns but im not cheating i have just common sense that i should aim to head only while im shooting and if i get some admin that is ready to talk with me and get my cheat percent to 0% i can try to prove clean gameplay anyhow you decide.
And i have been talking with JAH admins and they told me to come here for help. Thank you <----- i posted this to forum thread and admin said that "You are not banned at BF4DB! There is nothing we can do for you!" but yeah they need to tell me what to do if only thing stopping me to play on JAH Metro server is bf4db site then you guys absolutely most find solution for me to get my cheat percent to 0% you want some recorded gameplay or how can i convince you that im not cheating?
Hmm lemme guess you played some kovaak and got really good aim all of the sudden?
no i didnt and i saw that csgo starts to be meme here XD but yeah im trying to get help because now cheat% is still low but what if it goes to 100 then what? i wont be able to play in any servers.
and admin said that my aim started to get better magically 14th or 16th but no wonder because i got my phantom tag grind ready around those days you can check that too from my battlelog
Cheat score is not a direct indicator of cheating.
Server admins should not be banning someone just because someone has a cheat score (especially only ~20%).
That being said, we have no control over how other servers are administered and there is nothing we can do for you. Cheat score is automatically calculated based on your statistics and we do not alter players cheat scores.
okey but we agreed with server admin that im gonna record full round of gameplay and then he/she is going to decide if im cheating or not so im happy with that if its enough for them to keep me unbanned from that metro server.
and why is that? they can add me somewhere so i can send them recorded gameplay no problem for me
You can try to make the appeal on their Discord.and why is that? they can add me somewhere so i can send them recorded gameplay no problem for me
yeah i did already verified and did appeal, they can decide how they want me to prove it but i suggested sending recorded gameplay same as all other sites or admins i think its the best way
Thats why i am not an Headshot hunter, it would get me banned from servers within 9 kills no chance to appeal *coughs* BF BRO *coughs*.. already got problems with ppl calling me wallhacker or aimbot and bann me from their servers without proof/sus stats..yeah i did already verified and did appeal, they can decide how they want me to prove it but i suggested sending recorded gameplay same as all other sites or admins i think its the best way
i just recorded 3 games for bf4agency so let me know if you guys want to see :D