I feel like I have been wrongly accused of cheating due to linked account, I share my internet with a lot of people and I believe it is a mistake.
PunkBuster Server: VIOLATION (AIMBOT) #59153: MyPocketsTickle (slot #13) Violation (AIMBOT) #59153 [5511d8b6a272f912fe93b59a376aa496(-) 67.185.181.**:3659]
PunkBuster Server: VIOLATION (AIMBOT) #59153: ClosetLvL140 (slot #8) Violation (AIMBOT) #59153 [5efefe99f7b08b114ccd9c21a1a7b66d(-) 67.185.181.**:3659]
PunkBuster Server: VIOLATION (AIMBOT) #59153: LeTmEtoucHyoU69 (slot #33) Violation (AIMBOT) #59153 [7132e8eb19f2b711ba0e2d85e9748511(-) 67.185.181.**:3659]
Just to mention a few violations linking back to your accounts from the past couple weeks.
Every single violation was issued on the same main IP you use for the same exact violation code meaning you don't seem to notice that your hack is outdated by now.
If you feel like PunkBuster issued all these violations in an error feel free to make a trouble ticket there: https://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
Really doubt they will unban you because eating the same violation multiple times on different accounts can't be a good sign.